Originally shared by Ingress
Agents in the Asia Pacific Region,
Are you ready to explore new cities and discover hidden gems all around you? The following are cities and dates for all of the Mission Days between now and the end of the year taking place near you. Be sure to visit the events page to learn how to register: http://www.ingress.com/events
29 JUL Sapporo, Japan
29 JUL Malé, Maldives
05 AUG Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan
26 AUG Singapore
26 AUG Incheon, South Korea
16 SEP Koriyama, Fukushima, Japan
21 OCT Taichung, Taiwan
21 OCT Canberra, Australia
21 OCT Bangkok, Thailand
27 OCT Tottori, Japan
18 NOV Hong Kong
18 NOV Yogyakarta, Indonesia
24 NOV Himeji, Hyogo, Japan
22 DEC Takatsuki, Osaka, Japan
Pretty sure there were at least 2 requests from India for standalone Mission Days upto the end of the year. But as usual no communication from Niantic to help them move ahead. 👍