Originally shared by Hank Johnson
Agents, friends, fellow Explorers:
Important RPEs (Remote Participation Experiments -- also known as a Role Playing Games or RPGs) will take place at Camp Navarro and Schloss Kaltenberg during the MAGNUS event codenamed 'Epiphany Night.'
Our RPE missions will take us to the past, to the future, and to another present. We will attempt to uncover unsolved mysteries about Epiphany Night -- the dramatic event that begun our XM journey many years ago... and we will explore the strange theory surrounding a new universe, codenamed 'OSIRIS,' that some believe is similar to ours in many ways.
For those who have taken part in an NIA RPE before, you know the drill. For others, know that all that is required of you is a collaborative spirit, a creative mind and a desire to adventure. No prior RPG experience needed.
Please note that this RPE will require your presence in person at Camp Navarro or Schloss Kaltenberg during the Epiphany Night event.
Sign up links are here:
Camp Navarro: https://goo.gl/forms/wFK4t5OruuBgzQEr2
Schloss Kaltenberg: https://goo.gl/forms/ig72zKoCFxmrCE1i2
Every effort will be made to accommodate all those who express interest at the session time that they request, but spaces are limited, so please keep an open mind.
Please be aware that RPEs remain a subject of active scientific investigation. They have unknown effects in both this and other dimensions. Agents engage in RPEs at their own risk, and the NIA is not responsible for any psychological, physiological or extra-dimensional repercussions.
See you soon, Agents.
Hank Johnson
National Intelligence Agency
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