
Originally shared by Ingress


NIA Researchers has confirmed a string of spectacular events will take place in Fukuoka on Saturday, April 7th.

Agents are invited to take part in this XM Festival -- our research indicates Ingress Missions, a Flash Shard Anomaly, appearances by important personnel and access to secret information about future NIA projects will all feature in this day-long event.

Mission-Day style exploration of the city, in the morning, will be followed by shards manifesting in the city of Fukuoka in the afternoon. An official afterparty, hosted by Niantic, with exclusive announcements will take place in the evening. Niantic Operatives will be at the venue to communicate and answer your questions.

The XM Festival will coincide with the Fukuoka Castle Sakura Festival. We recommend bringing a picnic blanket to enjoy the beautiful scenery in addition to the events of the XM Festival itself.

See you in Fukuoka, Agents.

Mission Day registration

XM Festival (Shard Battle & Afterparty) registration
