Originally shared by Ingress
Our Intel operatives have confirmed the following upcoming whereabouts of people (and one AI) of interest during the last weekend of the #EXO5 Anomaly.
On December 2nd:
In San Francisco, Misty Hannah, Devra Bogdanovich, Akira Tsukasa, and the Acolyte will be present. To aid our Agents in discovering the truth, we will be providing dossier cards for Oliver Lynton-Wolfe, Misty, and Devra in the Supporter Kits for the Americas.
In Tallinn, ADA has informed a select few that she intends to make her presence known in that city. Her dossier card will be available in the European Supporter Kits for agents that purchase one.
Although the Acolyte will be appearing in San Francisco, her dossier card will be available in the Taiwan Support Kits. This might have something to do with Hank Johnson and his reasons for traveling to Taiwan to talk to Agents about the elimination of notable Niantic Project members.
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