A challenge for Agents around the world, and a reward from the NIA's predictive intelligence unit...

Originally shared by Hank Johnson
A challenge for Agents around the world, and a reward from the NIA's predictive intelligence unit...
NIA Analysts are working to uncover intel related to the upcoming #EXO5 Anomalies, including the locations of Volatile Portals and Research Nodes.
I will have access to 9 packets of Intel, and here is how you can earn them:
On Friday, Dec 1, create Fields (in the specific regions below, as well as Globally). The Faction with the greatest increase in MU over the 5 hour checkpoint I specify will gain access to the intel.
We'll be measuring total MU once at the beginning at the specific window, and once at the end. The Faction with the greater increase wins.
Reward: 1 Intel packet.
UTC Offset: 0
Septicycle: 2017.46
Window being Measured: 16:00 (first Measurement) to 21:00 (last Measurement). Times in UTC.
AS09-KILO-08 (around Medan, Indonesia)
Reward: 1 Intel packet.
UTC Offset: +7
Septicycle: 2017.46
Window being Measured: 18:00 (first Measurement) to 23:00 (last Measurement). Times are local for this Cell.
PA01-SIERRA-08 (around Adelaide, Australia)
Reward: 1 Intel packet.
UTC Offset: +10.5
Septicycle: 2017.46
Window being Measured: 16:30 (first Measurement) to 21:30 (last Measurement). Times are local for this Cell.
PA08-ROMEO-06 (around Hamilton, New Zealand)
Reward: 1 Intel packet.
UTC Offset: +13
Septicycle: 2017.46
Window being Measured: 19:00 (first Measurement) to 24:00 (last Measurement). Times are local for this Cell.
NR02-DELTA-10 (around Kiev, Ukraine)
Reward: 1 Intel packet.
UTC Offset: +2
Septicycle: 2017.46
Window being Measured: 18:00 (first Measurement) to 23:00 (last Measurement). Times are local for this Cell.
NR02-FOXTROT-05 (around Prague, Czech Republic)
Reward: 1 Intel packet.
UTC Offset: +1
Septicycle: 2017.46
Window being Measured: 17:00 (first Measurement) to 22:00 (last Measurement). Times are local for this Cell.
AF11-SIERRA-13 (around Naples, Italy)
Reward: 1 Intel packet.
UTC Offset: +1
Septicycle: 2017.46
Window being Measured: 17:00 (first Measurement) to 22:00 (last Measurement). Times are local for this Cell.
AM01-HOTEL-07 (around Des Moines, IA, USA)
Reward: 1 Intel packet.
UTC Offset: -6
Septicycle: 2017.46
Window being Measured: 15:00 (first Measurement) to 20:00 (last Measurement). Times are local for this Cell.
AM14-PAPA-14 (around Asuncion, Paraguay)
Reward: 1 Intel packet.
UTC Offset: -3
Septicycle: 2017.46
Window being Measured: 18:00 (first Measurement) to 23:00 (last Measurement). Times are local for this Cell.
AM16-PAPA-15 (around Montevideo, Uruguay)
Reward: 1 Intel packet.
UTC Offset: -3
Septicycle: 2017.46
Window being Measured: 18:00 (first Measurement) to 23:00 (last Measurement). Times are local for this Cell.
That's 9 packets of Intel, all told -- 1 for each Region identified and one for Global MU. Good luck, Agents.
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