Originally shared by Ingress
Call For Embedded Reporters
Agents, Niantic is looking for a few people from each Faction who are willing to help us gather and post photos and videos from the field during XM Anomalies to showcase the activity that occurs during #EXO5.
You can apply here: http://nian.tc/EXO5_embedded
Selected Agents will be given a free Supporter Kit, sent a limited edition volunteer coin (if you have not received one already), and also receive a special Ingress broadcaster patch.
You must be willing to install preferred apps for photo watermarking photos.
Preference will be given to Agents who have connections with a team that is willing to have their comings and goings documented and shared (you will have to filter any team sensitive information). A bike team. A fielding team. Etc.
Applications will be accepted until 5pm ET on 18 OCT 2017. Selected applicants will be notified a couple of days after.
To register for the Anomaly please visit: https://ingress.com/events?#current-anomaly
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