There have been some questions about which cities for the upcoming #13MAGNUSReawakens Anomaly series will be...

Originally shared by Ingress
There have been some questions about which cities for the upcoming #13MAGNUSReawakens Anomaly series will be primaries. The Seoul Anomaly on 23 SEP 2017 will be the only one labeled with an official Primary status. The status of cities for Q4 2017 has not been decided and will likely return to the previous format of having a Primary and one or more Secondary designations.
In addition, our Intel leads have been unable to confirm the whereabouts of many persons of interest. Because of this, we are unsure if any will be investigating the events occurring in any of the cities on 26 AUG or 23 SEP in person.
If you have questions, please ask them in the comments and we will try answer as many as we can.
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