Edit: If you are having issues seeing the new stat, you need to deploy one resonator to see the new stat after you...

Originally shared by Ingress
Edit: If you are having issues seeing the new stat, you need to deploy one resonator to see the new stat after you restart Ingress.
The time has come Agents! The #MAGNUSBuilder event starts now. You must reawaken the Portal Network. We do not know what will happen if failure is the end result.
From Friday, May 5th 23:59 UTC to Sun May 21st 23:59 UTC, the Ingress Scanner will measure a new kind of Agent statistic: Unique Resonator Slots Deployed. During this timeframe, deploying at least 1331 Unique Resonator Slots will earn you the MAGNUS Builder medal. Should you deploy at least 3113 Unique Resonator Slots, you will instead earn the MAGNUS Architect medal.
Deploy resonators. Use teamwork to maximize your efforts. But above all, have fun and be safe! Happy deploying Agents!
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