Originally shared by Ingress
A few of you have asked for more time to submit your portal proposals. Because of this, we have decided to extend the deadline for proposals one more week to 11:59 PM PST, March 31st.
The entries we have seen so far have been amazing, beautiful, thought-provoking and generally just really cool.
For Agents that may be on the fence to submit a portal design, below is a short FAQ that hopefully clears up some questions. If you have additional questions, please post them in the comments section and if it’s not already answered on the site we will do our best to respond.
Don’t forget that the main Magnus Reawakens site (https://magnusreawakens.splashthat.com/) has details that may already answer many questions and that if you are a proposal submitter or team tech lead - then the event is free for you, including meals.
What is the website?
What are we doing? What is this? Whaaaa?
Portals were around long before man. We have been subconsciously attracted to their power and this why we tend to create works of where they exist. Although not visible to the human eye, we suspect there are portals in the Navarro woods. We need your help to activate them.
What we need is for you to create a work of art or symbology. These can be large like something at Burning Man or Flipside or small the size of a shoebox. Only your creativity is the limitation (and the size of the campsite).
Integrated into your design will be a Tecthulhu module which will be given at check into your team lead or team tech lead. This device will be able to directly access the portal network and portal states. This will allow you to enhance your creation with lights, sound - anything you can think of that will run off an Arduino device. This is also why we recommend having a technical lead as part of your team composition. We will also have experts on site to help so don’t fret. Some features will work out of the box. Most importantly, you can build your piece with whatever you want so long as everything that comes with you also leaves with you.
When is check-in?
Check-in starts at Noon on Friday the 19th.
Will there be other activities?
Yes, we have an entire weekend of activities scheduled from Friday to Sunday. These include both Ingress as well as various other outdoor activities and games. We even have rain options!
Will there be swag?
Definitely! There will be a small bag of collectibles that is included with your camping fee as well as extra items that can be purchased onsite. We are not following the common/rare/very rare model for this event.
What is the cost?
If you are a proposal submitter or tech lead then the event is free for you (max.2 per proposal) - including meals. You only have to worry about your travel.
For others, camping is only $40 for the weekend. You’ll have to provide a tent unless you want to sleep in one of the Adirondacks (open air half cabins) featured on the site. You also bring you own meals, however, there is a coffee shop on site that serves snacks.
We also have a $120 option that will cover your camping fee + four meals, dinner on Friday and Saturday nights and breakfast on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
What are the camping options?
Self-provided tents. On-site Adirondacks (open air half cabins). Limited RV spaces.
This is camping. We have limited individual cabins set aside for special needs or if necessary, overflow. If you have special needs or requirements there will be a place for you to give us that detail when you purchase your ticket.
What if I don't have a team? When Can I Register?
The agents who submit accepted proposals will be the first notified after we review the proposals. They will get the first pick of who is on their teams. When these teams have been registered, we will open the site for general registration.
People will be placed on teams based on a variety of factors designed to maximize enjoyment and create level gameplay. However, there will be no faction requirements and general registration will be first come first served.
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