To continue where I left off last time, I am convinced that Tecthulhus are not necessarily dependent on modern...

Originally shared by Hank Johnson
To continue where I left off last time, I am convinced that Tecthulhus are not necessarily dependent on modern technology. I may wrong about this, but I don't think so... They might have relied on Prime Objects... there are Prime Objects both in the Jahanite Collection and in the Azmati Collection that have indeterminate powers. Or, put plainly, I have no idea what they do and realize that it is a very bad idea to test them. There lie dragons.
In any case, in the nest I found, each niche was carved with a symbol and text in a language I could not recognize. I have shared these some of my more resourceful contact -- translation awaits. It is my belief that these markings correspond to the Archetypes recently referred to by other researchers.
Whether the corresponding English translations that capture the meanings of the Archetypes is a determination I will leave to others.
Perhaps most disturbing of all was a sculpted relief which looked almost Assyrian (though not in the right region) of what appeared to be the thirteen niches shattering with the bodies rising up and shattering. This did not as such resemble a recursion, but a reflection's fragmentation. The bodies were shown intact, as if the shards had emerged from them in pieces -- like a mirror image or an out of body representation...
Each body divided into seven fragments which were all partial iconographs of the niche from which they had emerged.
And there, it gets strange...
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