Originally shared by Ingress
Happy Birthday, Ingress. To commemorate our four year anniversary, everyone that reaches Level 3 by 11:59pm Pacific Time (PST) on Wednesday, November 30th, 2016 will earn a special Luminary Medal. The Luminary Medal will be awarded based on the following tiers:
Bronze Medal: Level 3 - Level 8
Silver Medal: Level 9 - Level 12
Gold Medal: Level 13 & 14
Platinum Medal: Level 15
Onyx Medal: Level 16
Additionally, for the next two weeks, each Portal action will generate double Action Points (AP). For example, capture a Portal to earn 1,000 AP or establish a Field to earn 2,500 AP. Hack output of the Portal Network has also been boosted.
During these four years, we’ve seen so many incredible moments - Anomalies, field art, epic operations, Ingress weddings and much more. If you have a favorite situation report from your experience over the last 4 years, we’d like to hear it. Share your SITREPs with the #IngressYear4 hashtag.
It’s time to move.
#IngressYear4 #IngressBulletin
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