#Ingress #ViaLux: Series Three Setouchi, Macau, Singapore, and Mumbai Final Measurement Score Update

Originally shared by Ingress
#Ingress #ViaLux: Series Three Setouchi, Macau, Singapore, and Mumbai Final Measurement Score Update
The day has begun with dramatic shows of force.
Of the four sites in play during the first wave of the #ViaLux Finale Anomalies, Mumbai was the most competitive. The Resistance claimed that Anomaly with a razor thin margin: 358 to 326.
The Resistance also held massive, unwavering leads in Macau (1187 to 516) and Singapore (1756 to 345).
The Enlightened were strongest in Setouchi. There, they held a large advantage over the course of the day, ultimately claiming the site 3443 to 1187.
The Resistance lead the #ViaLux Anomaly series 13 to 12, but much remains to unfold as Europe and America await their turns on the battlefield.
See detailed scores at http://investigate.ingress.com/via-lux-scoreboard/
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