Agents, the Singapore Ministry of Health and National Environment Agency are reporting new cases of Zika every day.

Originally shared by Ingress
Agents, the Singapore Ministry of Health and National Environment Agency are reporting new cases of Zika every day. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has escalated the Zika virus to a “Level 2” status in Singapore. Because of this increased alert status, the Via Lux Singapore event has been reclassified as a Satellite anomaly. The new Primary city for the events occurring on 24 SEP will be Setouchi, Japan. However, both cities will be now be scored as a Primary location.
If you previously purchased a Supporter Kit for Singapore, we will be refunding your purchases in full over the next several days. In order to refund Agents that purchased Via Lux Supporter Kits at the Primary pricing, we are canceling and closing the Singapore Primary registration website and have created a new Singapore event registration website
ALL Singapore registrants, free or paid, are encouraged to sign up on the new Singapore registration website Via Lux Supporter Kits will be available at the reduced Satellite event price (and rumors about about a surprise character medal card in said Kits). You must register on the new site in order to buy a Via Lux Supporter Kit and in order to be eligible to check in/be awarded Via Lux medal.
Singapore will still host a GORUCK event and have a Niantic sponsored post Anomaly gathering for Agents in attendance to meet and trade war stories about the battle they waged earlier in the day.
If you have already purchased a Supporter Kit for Setouchi, Japan you do not need to purchase a new one. The Setouchi event and pricing has been changed to reflect a Primary XM Anomaly event and the addition of a Niantic sponsored after-party. Tickets can be reserved here:
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