Originally shared by Ingress
#ViaLux Wroclaw, Birmingham and Turku M2 Snapshot Report
In Wroclaw, the Resistance maintain the upper hand. They captured an equal number of Shards during the second hour of the Anomaly, and leveraged Portals and Links to extend their initial lead.
In Birmingham, the Enlightened have broken the stalemate and lead by a narrow margin, in large part due to their Shard Operations.
In Turku, the Enlightened performed well during M2, however, the Resistance continue to advance, thanks to their aggressive work in the previous Measurement.
The Resistance lead in Wroclaw @M2: 884 to 664
The Enlightened lead in Birmingham @M2: 295 to 240
The Resistance lead in Turku @M2: 275 to 165
Find detailed and updated scores at http://investigate.ingress.com/via-lux-scoreboard/
View detailed Shard Tracking information at http://thrakazog.com/via_lux/
(This data represents a snapshot of the Anomaly state taken at Measurement time. The Anomaly state may have evolved since this point in time.)
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