Join us Thursday, July 7, 2016 at 9:00 pm ET (-5 UTC) / 1:00 am GMT live via a Hangout On Air for the 100th Episode...

Originally shared by Behind The Scanner

Join us Thursday, July 7, 2016 at 9:00 pm ET (-5 UTC) / 1:00 am GMT live via a Hangout On Air for the 100th Episode of Behind the Scanner! Our very special guest is John Hanke, CEO and Founder of Niantic, Inc.!

If you want to ask a question to our guest please do it as a comment on the original post.

You can interact with hosts, guests and other viewers live during the show in our chat room on our website at

If you have a guest suggestion please let us know by filling out the form on our website at

If you can't watch us live you can subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch the interview raw and unedited after the fact at

#MeridianProject #BehindTheScanner #Ingress #Enlightened #Resistance +Ingress #BTS #episode
