ENL Agent BigMatty to reveal all or part of the information provided by The Acolyte Thursday on BTS.

Originally shared by Ingress

ENL Agent BigMatty to reveal all or part of the information provided by The Acolyte Thursday on BTS. 

Agent BigMatty said The Acolyte had made good on her promise, and that he’s currently in possession of some intel about the upcoming Obsidian Anomalies on April 2. He intends to use his appearance on Behind The Scanner to make this information public. 

More Information on the Behind The Scanner episode: https://plus.google.com/events/ckh21ralqjq1ou7e8esjda7mtcs

More information on BigMatty's story: http://investigate.ingress.com/2016/03/09/bigmatty-to-reveal-anomaly-intel-on-bts-tomorrow/

