#IngressObsidian Seattle Shards: 17 Shards uncaptured. Enlightened lead 45 to 10.

Originally shared by Ingress

#IngressObsidian Seattle Shards: 17 Shards uncaptured. Enlightened lead 45 to 10. 

Seattle is entering its final moments. The Enlightened have dominated across the course of the day, and now just 6 Shards remain in play. They lead 55 to 11.

#Obsidian: Seattle
Flash Shard Update: 08:20:00 Jump Window, Local Time (PST)

Enlightened: 55 Shards
Resistance: 11 Shards

"At the time of this update, the Enlightened led by 44 Shards.

6 Shards are currently live in the Anomaly Zone and remain uncaptured.

0 Shards, 0 Enlightened Targets and 0 Resistance Targets have yet to manifest.

2 Jump Windows remain in this Anomaly."

