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+Hank Johnson shares his knowledge on the mysterious Obsidius, who was mentioned in the communication between +Roland Jarvis and the Acolyte that was uncovered some days ago.
Originally shared by Hank Johnson
Agents informed me that a communication surfaced between one I suspect is Jarvis and the Acolyte involving a man known as Obsidius.
I came upon that name when I was researching 13MAGNUS for Calvin way back when. He was mentioned in very obscure sources under the name Obsidius or Obsius (it's unclear why the name was 'fixed' in later editions). Other than Pliny the Elder's famous mention of him, little is known. I have to find my notes... I think they might be in one of the boxes in my storage facility in Tysons Corner. Hopefully I haven't lost them.
The long and short of what I remember is that he was a Roman explorer and those were rare creatures indeed. It doesn't seem that the Romans took much stock in exploring for its own sake (perhaps because they were terrible sailors). Their usual tendency was to rely on local knowledge and intermediaries and rarely search farther than was necessary for military intelligence. My guess is that Obsidius probably started his career as an one of the Exploratores.
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