via Ingress

via Ingress 

"GORUCK dates launching soon ... with a new, longer, tougher event as well ... for a total of 2 Events, 2 Badges you can earn, 2 patches you earn. And absolutely Tip of the Spear for your faction."

Originally shared by Bill Oshiro

人が集まれば出来ます、沖縄にはGoruck Cadreも居ます!

Anybody up for Goruck at Hamamatsu?
Gimme a +1, comment below, and reshare this post!
Together, we can make it happen!

Jason McCarthy​​​​​
John Hanke​​​​​
Masashi Kawashima​​​​​
Kento Suga​​​​​
Emily Dent​​​​​
Garrett N​​​​​
Joel F​​​​​
