via Ingress
Agent +Julia Boehme fought hard to pick up the STAR WARS Movie poster in Germany today.
Well done agent!
May the force be with you.
#StarWars #DasErwachenDerMacht #TheForceAwakens
Originally shared by Julia Boehme (JBTEX)
Mission accomplished.
This time I was prepared and fought against the Stormtrooper.
#ingress #DasErwachenderMacht #StarWars #UfaPalast #Düsseldorf
Anne Beuttenmüller Matilde Tusberti

Agent +Julia Boehme fought hard to pick up the STAR WARS Movie poster in Germany today.
Well done agent!
May the force be with you.
#StarWars #DasErwachenDerMacht #TheForceAwakens
Originally shared by Julia Boehme (JBTEX)
Mission accomplished.
This time I was prepared and fought against the Stormtrooper.
#ingress #DasErwachenderMacht #StarWars #UfaPalast #Düsseldorf
Anne Beuttenmüller Matilde Tusberti

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