Originally shared by Ingress
The Enlightened notch a first victory as the #Abaddon Anomalies race to their conclusion.
The Resistance, after trailing initially in Wellington, fought back and held their ground to capture the Satellite site with a respectable lead.
Singapore remained by far the most dynamic -- control switched to the Enlightened before returning to the Resistance for the Final Measurement -- in the end they controlled the site with a margin of just 17.
Seoul remained under Resistance control for the duration of the Anomaly, and Okinawa was an Enlightened stronghold from beginning to end. The day ended with Resistance Fields flying over Okinawa and Seoul.
No shards were captured, however, the Resistance were able to control the Global MU Struggle.
The Enlightened have leveraged this opportunity to strike a blow at the powerful AI, ADA, who will no doubt be greatly affected by this outcome.
With two Anomalies and two Researchers remaining, the stakes are exceedingly high as we brace for the #Abaddon Finales in Milan and Oakland.
The #Abaddon Anomaly series currently stands 9 to 8, Resistance leading.
Enlightened (8):
Yuri Alaric Nagassa •
Oliver Lynton-Wolfe • • •
A Detection Algorithm • • • •
Resistance (9):
Misty Hannah •
Carrie Campbell •
Enoch Dalby •
Victor Kureze • • •
Martin Schubert • • •
#Abaddon 04 - Cumulative Summary of Anomaly Conditions at M4:
Okinawa - R:3879 - E:7644
Seoul - R:489 - E:240
Singapore - R:288 - E:271
Wellington - R:570 - E:401
Global Mind Units - R:1,032,183,704 - E:556,759,754 [Value: 125]
XM Shards - R:0 for a Value of 0 - E:0 for a Value of 0 [Value: 600 each]
Total - R:5226 - E:8681
Mind Unit Count Bonus: [Value: 125]
Resistance Average: 1,032,183,704
Enlightened Average: 556,759,754
The Resistance claimed the Global Mind Unit count bonus for this Anomaly.
Septicycle: 2015.47
Last Checkpoint before Final Measurement: 15
Checkpoint 1: RES: 539,295,491 - ENL: 249,991,229
Checkpoint 2: RES: 431,387,287 - ENL: 1,675,105,119
Checkpoint 3: RES: 491,622,627 - ENL: 252,088,072
Checkpoint 4: RES: 543,644,034 - ENL: 439,622,590
Checkpoint 5: RES: 548,783,030 - ENL: 519,691,164
Checkpoint 6: RES: 546,362,450 - ENL: 578,340,384
Checkpoint 7: RES: 564,259,358 - ENL: 514,906,676
Checkpoint 8: RES: 932,955,986 - ENL: 516,477,203
Checkpoint 9: RES: 612,348,856 - ENL: 559,633,600
Checkpoint 10: RES: 817,804,571 - ENL: 669,054,353
Checkpoint 11: RES: 772,849,104 - ENL: 640,991,132
Checkpoint 12: RES: 958,338,330 - ENL: 426,917,730
Checkpoint 13: RES: 637,776,294 - ENL: 437,626,831
Checkpoint 14: RES: 3,496,102,521 - ENL: 509,658,964
Checkpoint 15: RES: 3,589,225,617 - ENL: 361,291,265
#Abaddon: Okinawa - Measurement 4 Report
The Enlightened captured this Measurement, 1316 to 933.
The Enlightened captured this Primary Site, outperforming the Resistance by 3765.
Portals Owned - RES: 18 - ENL: 151 - [Value: 4 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 25 - ENL: 37 - [Value: 16 each]
"Links Created - RES: 1 - ENL: 17
[Values: 15 to 29 = 120, 30 to 49 = 250, >50 = 500]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 4
[Values: 5 to 14 = 120, 15 to 24 = 250, >25 = 500]"
"Strategic Field - RES
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"
Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 72 - ENL: 604
Volatile Portals - RES: 400 - ENL: 592
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 120
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 461 - ENL: 0
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 933 - Enlightened - 1316
Total for this Primary Site:
Resistance - 3879 - Enlightened - 7644
Measurement Time Details:
Original: 3:51 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: W2$H{sr&[%\F#eY=
Portal Ownership Details
E - Shintoshin Park
E - Shissa Guardian
E - Shissa With Big Ball
E - Shrine of the 4 Sacred Stone
E - Small Anchor
E - Small Secret Shintoshin Shrine
E - Tedako Hashi North
E - Tomari Port Post Office
E - Tomari post office
E - Tomari Uhuama Ugansho
E - Ultra Strike Patio
E - Wine Glass
E - Yellow Lion In Mosaic
E - Yonaha Seto house ruin
E - ○ おもろまち公園「○」
E - 「
E - 「琉球音楽聲楽譜附工工四」発祥地
E - あくびするシーサー
E - おもろ天空橋
E - おもろ花風橋
E - しぃさぁ家
E - とまりみなとばし(南側、右)
E - とまり緑地の星
E - ぱいかじ
E - カラオケ波止場
E - クッキングスクール
E - コジマシーサー
E - サランヘ
E - シーサー
E - ジュンク堂書店 那覇店
E - ソフトバンク天久
E - テレホンビルのシーサー
E - ドコモの並木
E - ドラゴン柱
E - バスケット
E - パリ壁
E - ベンディングスタンド
E - ペリー来航
E - ペルリ提督上陸之地
E - ライオンズマンションのシーサー
E - 三匹のリス
E - 上之屋フレンドパーク
E - 上之屋北公園
E - 上之屋南公園
E - 久茂地郵便局
E - 休憩所
E - 休憩所
E - 前島三丁目拝所
E - 前島南公園
E - 前島東公園
E - 地面にめり込んだ鯨の尻尾
E - 多良川酒造
E - 大城みさきさんの手形
E - 天久宮入口
E - 天久山 聖現寺
E - 天久巨乙女王神
E - 天久楽市
E - 天久緑風公園
E - 太陽と月のロマンス(Romance de sol y luna)
E - 夫婦瀬公園
E - 安謝東公園
E - 安謝東原公園
E - 安謝緑地
E - 安謝郵便局
E - 安里公園
E - 宗元寺下馬碑
E - 富士家clock
E - 山里長賢碑
E - 崇元寺公園
E - 我那覇和樹の手形
E - 敬礼
E - 新屋敷公園 Prayer Spot
E - 新都心公園 案内図
E - 新都心公園 沖縄の杜 北口
E - 旧崇元寺石門
E - 昭和高等学校跡
E - 曙公園Rainbo Slide
E - 月の魚
E - 東屋と水飲み場
E - 松茂良興 Monument
E - 沖縄海洋博覧会シーサー
E - 泊塩田之跡碑
E - 泊阿嘉
E - 波のモニュメント
E - 海のちんぼらぁ
E - 物件情報を見るためのイス
E - 真和志村立 安里学校跡地
E - 祠
E - 竜の飾り
E - 総合公園 ポイント7
E - 若狭小公園
E - 茶色のシーサー
E - 貝の壁
E - 那覇ミュージック跡
E - 那覇公証センター
E - 那覇市上下水道局前の記念碑(瑞泉潤民)
E - 那覇市上下水道局横の噴水
E - 那覇市公園の遊具
E - 那覇爬竜船会館
E - 那覇第二合同庁舎
E - 銘苅じんじん広場
E - 銘苅じんじん広場
E - 銘苅てんとうむし公園
E - 銘苅陸橋シーサー
E - 隠居のお獄
E - 魚の頭
E - 黄金森
E - 黄金森公園
E - 黄金森公園
E - 黄金森公園の碑
E VOL - Akebono Park
E VOL - Cats cafe
E VOL - Hex formed 東屋
E VOL - Izena Dunchi Tomb
E VOL - Jittyaku Shi-sa- Street
E VOL - Lawson ローソン 浦添宮城六丁目
E VOL - Lawson ローソン 那覇天久
E VOL - Lawson ローソン 那覇曙一丁目
E VOL - Matsuki haitai statue
E VOL - Sea and Islands
E VOL - Shiisa Guardian of Makiminato Sangyou South
E VOL - shinsyu miebasihi 新修美栄橋碑
E VOL - Utima Sisimai&bou
E VOL - はるがん 御獄
E VOL - みーまくびり
E VOL - カラーの滑り台
E VOL - サーター屋井
E VOL - チョンダ公園
E VOL - ライオンズマンション松川第二のシーサー
E VOL - 上之屋南休憩所&化粧室
E VOL - 中の殿
E VOL - 休憩所2
E VOL - 国立劇場案内板
E VOL - 土瓶
E VOL - 大平三丁目のシーサー下
E VOL - 大道シーサー
E VOL - 天久ちゅらまち公園
E VOL - 天久プリン山公園のプリン滑り台
E VOL - 存在の理由
E VOL - 安岡ガジュマル公園
E VOL - 末吉西公園
E VOL - 松川ライオンズマンションのシーサー
E VOL - 武士松茂良
E VOL - 泊竜宮神の碑
E VOL - 辻原墓地跡
E VOL - 首里山川町自治会シーサー
E VOL - 首里観音堂
N VOL - Tiida Traditional Okinawan Izakaya
R - Akemodoro Midorinokai 20th Anniversary Monument
R - Ameku Family Sports Land Batting Cages
R - Boulbaka Bouldering Gym
R - Glass neonsign
R - Ha-ri- Mural
R - makishi lion monument
R - MAX レイナさんの手
R - Shisaa Guardians of Kadekaru
R - Tiger Guardian of Toho Bldg 17
R - へ
R - コナミスポーツクラブ沖縄
R - ソフトバンク那覇沖映通り
R - リボン柄のビル
R - 国仲涼子さんの手形
R - 天久コナミ裏シーサー
R - 天久久場森の神
R - 安仁屋宗八さんの手
R - 新都心公園 周辺施設のご案内 Shintoshin Park Information Map
R VOL - Ankoku Temple Pagoda
R VOL - Ark Chapel Bear
R VOL - Asahigaoka Park
R VOL - Kumidori Park West Information Traditional Dance Sculpture
R VOL - Lawson ローソン 浦添勢理客
R VOL - Lawson ローソン 陽明高校前
R VOL - Lawson ローソン 首里末吉一丁目
R VOL - Matuyama Koen Historical Gajimaru
R VOL - Miyagi Park
R VOL - Naura Bashi Birds Sculpture
R VOL - Palm Leaf Pavillion
R VOL - Rabit of NEWS Building
R VOL - Seas at of Asiago
R VOL - Shi-Sa Street シーサー通り
R VOL - Shiisa Gurdian of Okinawa-Daikyo BLD
R VOL - Shiisaa Circle Face
R VOL - Shrine
R VOL - Tedako Hashi South てだこ橋南
R VOL - The Blue and Red Wood Pyramides
R VOL - The Tera-Maji Site
R VOL - Yuna-park
R VOL - 新天地劇場跡
R VOL - 沖縄気象台オゾン観測室
R VOL - 石獅子
R VOL - 蒼のシーサー
#Abaddon: Seoul - Measurement 4 Report
The Resistance captured this Measurement, 152 to 64.
The Resistance captured this Satellite Site, outperforming the Enlightened by 249.
Portals Owned - RES: 29 - ENL: 8 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 9 - ENL: 6 - [Value: 8 each]
"Links Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
[Values: 15 to 29 = 60, 30 to 49 = 125, >50 = 250]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
[Values: 5 to 14 = 60, 15 to 24 = 125, >25 = 250]"
"Strategic Field - RES
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"
Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 58 - ENL: 16
Volatile Portals - RES: 72 - ENL: 48
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 22 - ENL: 0
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 152 - Enlightened - 64
Total for this Satellite Site:
Resistance - 489 - Enlightened - 240
Measurement Time Details:
Original: 3:13 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: L>S__}GL-
Portal Ownership Details
#Abaddon: Singapore - Measurement 4 Report
Total for this Measurement:
Total for this Satellite Site:
Measurement Time Details:
Portal Ownership Details
#Abaddon: Wellington - Measurement 4 Report
Total for this Measurement:
Total for this Satellite Site:
Measurement Time Details:
SHA256 of Padded String: ee5b5117b75adb04a0637cfeb66f7bf7fa44e9df4c2427895a34f36eb69871c6
Portal Ownership Details
E - 1916 People's Palace
E - 3 Eyed Psycho-Beaver
E - Agent Rest Stop
E - Cobblestone Park
E - Compassion Sculpture
E - Logan Brown
E - Marion Street Lady of the Night
E - Ngā Taonga
E - Serenity
E - The Albemarle Historic Building
E - Theosophical Society
E VOL - Aro Art
E VOL - Artistic Tiles
E VOL - Mt Victoria Abandoned Quarry
E VOL - Peaks of Wellington Sculpture
E VOL - Rocket Art
E VOL - Shoreline 1840 - Tory St
N - Compassion Centre
N - Creepy Cat Mural
N - Graffiti Phone
N - Rainbow Trumpet Dog
N - Sheep Tiles
R - Bogart Dog
R - Cassette Tape
R - Cat on A Hot Tin Roof
R - Dragon Wall
R - Fat Stork
R - Give a Helping Hand
R - Haining Street - Old China Town
R - Mad Dog Graffiti
R - One-Eyed King Mural
R - Scarfies
R - The Bake House
R - The Christian Revival Centre
R - The Fabric Store Wall
R - The Salvation Army
R - Toomans Building
R - Two Birds
R - Venice
R - Vivian Street Gospel Hall
R - Wellington Chinese Masonic Society
R - Wild Dog
R VOL - Court of Appeal
R VOL - Green Alien
R VOL - Space Oddity
R VOL - Streets of Venice
R VOL - Tattoo Museum
R VOL - The Town Plaque
R VOL - Wolf Pack Biker
R VOL - Yet I Think, Having Used My Words
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