

Originally shared by Ingress

The #INGRESSREPORT is live. Dive into the biggest, best and most hard fought Anomaly Finale ever.

From Oakland, Susanna Moyer reports on the culmination of the #Abaddon Anomaly Series.

Over the course of the day, Agents joined the struggle to control the fates of A Detection Algorithm  (in Okinawa), Roland Jarvis (in Milan) and the master of secrets, Ezekiel Calvin (in Oakland). The Resistance claimed the #Abaddon Series as a whole with a razor-thin margin, binding the fate of every lost Niantic Researcher.

From high-octane GoRuck challenges, to tactical boat and sky operations, to cluster teams numbering in the tens of thousands across the world, the #Abaddon Finale was a spectacle to behold. Join Susanna as she covers the epic adventure, as well as other incredible operations like #BILLIONER$, Green Snow and Blue Cedar II.

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Hack safely and enjoy the holidays, Agents.

