#Abaddon 02
Originally shared by Ingress
Another strong performance by the Resistance in Hamburg this Measurement, where their lead is growing steadily into a runaway train. The Enlightened maintained the upper hand in Seville, but the Resistance in Edinburgh are trailing closely. In Zagreb, a fiercely competitive fight is underway, the Resistance lead by a thin margin of 41. The final measurement is just moments away, now, and Dr. Victor Kureze’s fate hangs in the balance.
#Abaddon 02: Cumulative Summary of Anomaly Conditions at M3:
Hamburg - R:5718 - E:1998
Edinburgh - R:326 - E:436
Seville - R:347 - E:766
Zagreb - R:312 - E:271
Total - R:6703 - E:3471
#Abaddon: Hamburg - Measurement 3 Report
The Resistance captured this Measurement, 2072 to 328.
The Resistance currently control this Primary Site, leading by 3720.
Portals Owned - RES: 108 - ENL: 38 - [Value: 4 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 40 - ENL: 11 - [Value: 16 each]
"Links Created - RES: 82 - ENL: 0
[Values: 15 to 29 = 120, 30 to 49 = 250, >50 = 500]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 27 - ENL: 0
[Values: 5 to 14 = 120, 15 to 24 = 250, >25 = 500]"
"Strategic Field - NONE
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"
Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 432 - ENL: 152
Volatile Portals - RES: 640 - ENL: 176
Links - RES: 500 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 500 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 2072 - Enlightened - 328
Total for this Primary Site:
Resistance - 5718 - Enlightened - 1998
Measurement Time Details:
Original: 3:39 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: z::elWI&R"^x:5kv5?kS/z---3:39---x
SHA256 of Padded String: ce0f762a83c5ac2299c57b6215b8f492d80d50b7958da38361a242401de96a0f
Portal Ownership Details
E - Adeligen
E - Berufsschule William Lindley
E - Bibliothek für die Geschichte der Juden
E - Ceramic Design
E - Denkmalgeschützte Fassade
E - Eimsbütteler Park Am Weiher
E - Engel
E - Erbaut 1960
E - ETV Gedenkstein
E - Fam. Müller Gedenkstein
E - Geomaticum
E - Graffitti Tornquiststrasse
E - Hamburg-Haus Eimsbüttel
E - Kopf An Fassade
E - Meisenfrei
E - Muschel
E - Ornament Kopf
E - Ornament Ludwig Von Und Zu T.
E - Realschule Tornquiststraße
E - Rotes Kreuz
E - Speisende Kinder
E - Stolperstein Appermann
E - Stolperstein Erich Schütt
E - Stolperstein Hinkel
E - Stolperstein Schulweg
E - Stolperstein Wolf
E - Stolpersteine Familie Sänger
E - Stolpersteine Fraenkel
E - Stolpersteine Landau
E - Stolpersteine Rosenbaum&Hirsch
E - Stolpersteine Wibrow & Seger
E - Stolpersteine Wolf
E - Stuckelement Kopf
E - Trauriger Löwe
E - U-Bahn Emilienstraße
E - Unsern Opfern
E - Wandbild Skyline
E - Zick Zack Metal
E VOL - Birne
E VOL - Buddha
E VOL - Der Patron
E VOL - Fadda - Sardische Spezialitäten
E VOL - Karstadt Eimsbuettel
E VOL - Mädchen Statue
E VOL - Pferd
E VOL - Postkasten
E VOL - Sinnenwerkstatt
E VOL - Stahlkunst
E VOL - Tierkopfverzierung
N - Amandus Gährs
N - Stolperstein Braucke
N - Stolperstein Gustav und Jenny
N - Stolperstein Martin and Charlotte
N - Wehbers Park Eingang
N - Zinnober
N VOL - Brochesstein
N VOL - Pfeilen-n-röhren-grafitti
N VOL - Stolperstein Walter Golenzer
R - 4 Stolpersteine
R - Adventhaus
R - AERA Graffiti
R - Airbrush Box Mural
R - Artwork Eppendorfer Weg
R - AXA, Osterstr. 52
R - Beautiful House in Eimsbuettel
R - Bismarck Oberschule
R - Bunker mit Kunstmalerei
R - Cool Graffiti
R - Das Wappen
R - Denkmal der Bücher Verbrennung von 1933
R - Der Fisch
R - Der Maler
R - Die Eidechse
R - Drei Engel
R - Eimsbütteler Brücke
R - Eimsbütteler Park "Am Weiher"
R - Eingang Henry Vahl Park
R - Eingang Wehberspark
R - Eiscafe Kaifu
R - Engelsornamente
R - Erbaut 1928
R - Fassadenbüsten
R - Fliegenpilze
R - Flipper
R - Fratze
R - Frauenkopf Fassadenelement
R - Friedrich Haas wohnte hier
R - Funk Stark
R - Gedenkstein 1. Weltkrieg
R - Gentleman
R - Geschwistersäule
R - Goebenbrücke
R - Graffiti Face
R - Graffiti Spielhaus
R - Graffiti Wall
R - Grundriss Philippuskirche
R - Gründerzeitfassade
R - Gänsebrunnen
R - Helene-Lange-Str. 5
R - Hermann-Bossdorf-Saal
R - Historic Backstein Building
R - Historische Fassade Bismarkstrasse
R - Hoheluftschiff
R - Holzwal
R - Horsehead
R - Hundeauslaufzone
R - Hundeauslaufzone
R - Hundeauslaufzone Park
R - Ida-Ehre-Schule
R - Iron War Monument
R - Kaifu-Lodge
R - Kirche Am Grindel - St. Andreas
R - Kirchengemeinde Eimsbüttel am Eppendorfer
R - Kitsune
R - Klinker Säule
R - Krebsfrau
R - Kreuzkirche
R - Kriegerdenkmal Vom Eimsbüttler Schwimmverein
R - Kunst Im Vorgarten
R - Käppchen Kuchen Company 2006
R - Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung
R - Li Hamburg
R - Mädchenschule
R - Möven Fassade
R - Ole Hempel Skulptur
R - Painted Box DSF
R - Parkanlage Bogenstraße
R - Pragerstein
R - Rahmendamen
R - Renate Freimuth Stolperstein
R - Roaring Lions
R - Rosenthal Altenhaus
R - Schlängel Graffiti
R - Schöne Altbauelemente
R - Seulberger
R - Skaterpark
R - Sonnenhaus
R - Spielplatz Garbestrasse
R - Steinskulptur
R - Stolperstein Blume
R - Stolperstein Brinn
R - Stolperstein Ehlert
R - Stolperstein Familie Josias
R - Stolperstein Grindel153
R - Stolperstein Jacobsohn
R - Stolpersteine
R - Stolpersteine Speyer Marbach
R - Stolpersteine Thurey
R - Stuckblume
R - Stuckelemente No 88
R - Synagoge
R - Teufelsornament
R - Trimmfit Station
R - Verzierter Müll
R - Vesper
R - Wehberspark
R - Wächter Mit Speer
R - Zerstoert - Avfgebavt 43/55
R - Zerstört
R - Zerstört No11
R - Zerstört No126
R - Zerstört No145
R - Zerstört No20
R - Zierfassade
R - Zwei Köpfe
R VOL - Architektur Vom Feinsten
R VOL - Bei St. Markus
R VOL - Blumen Wandkunst
R VOL - Brunnen
R VOL - Das Haus
R VOL - Der Keksbacker
R VOL - Elbe 76
R VOL - Erika Haus
R VOL - Evangelisches Gemeindehaus
R VOL - Forschungszentrum Beiersdorf
R VOL - Gedenkplakette Wohnheim Unnastraße
R VOL - Gesichter
R VOL - Glaserei
R VOL - Grashüpfer
R VOL - Hexenhaus
R VOL - High Fiver
R VOL - Hui Buh
R VOL - Kindskopf
R VOL - Mit Faß
R VOL - Nilpferde
R VOL - Pärchen an Tafel
R VOL - Rosenbaum Stolperstein
R VOL - Ruhland
R VOL - Segelschiff mit Moewe
R VOL - Skatepark Eimsbüttel
R VOL - Steinball
R VOL - Stolperstein Clara Drucker
R VOL - Stolperstein Fränkel
R VOL - Stolperstein Pulvermacher
R VOL - Stolperstein Sarah Franck
R VOL - Stolpersteine Feldmann, Moczydlower, Hartogsohn
R VOL - Stolpersteine Wertheimer
R VOL - Straßenbahnring
R VOL - Tyrannosaurus Rex
R VOL - Unknown Artists Graffitti
R VOL - Wand Mosaik
R VOL - Wehbers Park
R VOL - Zerstört 1943 Aufgebaut 1956
R VOL - Zerstört No60
R VOL - Zerstört Und Aufgebaut 56
#Abaddon: Edinburgh - Measurement 3 Report
The Resistance captured this Measurement, 138 to 128.
The Enlightened currently control this Satellite Site, leading by 110.
Portals Owned - RES: 33 - ENL: 16 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 9 - ENL: 6 - [Value: 8 each]
"Links Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
[Values: 15 to 29 = 60, 30 to 49 = 125, >50 = 250]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
[Values: 5 to 14 = 60, 15 to 24 = 125, >25 = 250]"
"Strategic Field - ENL
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"
Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 66 - ENL: 32
Volatile Portals - RES: 72 - ENL: 48
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 0 - ENL: 48
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 138 - Enlightened - 128
Total for this Satellite Site:
Resistance - 326 - Enlightened - 436
Measurement Time Details:
Original: 6:14 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: J((3#---6:14---h93]qm>NZHhofcC5-7lW
SHA256 of Padded String: ed6b3b402e45312d64b0269b83b16efc1be736c902de2077ef4b511146f92dc6
Portal Ownership Details
E - 30
E - Bank of Scotland
E - Birthplace of Henry Brougham
E - Embassy of Romania
E - Findlay Court
E - Gardens of the Melville Monument
E - George IV Statue
E - Grays of Edinburgh
E - Hanover House
E - Harvey Nichols
E - Henderson's
E - Jekyll & Hyde
E - Joan Bench
E - Merchants Hall
E - Sleeping Lion
E - Standard Life Investments
E VOL - Liberation of Belsen
E VOL - Melville Monument, St. Andrew Square
E VOL - Queens Street Gardens West
E VOL - Royal Insurance Company
E VOL - The Bandstand
E VOL - The Jam House
N - Contini Restaurante
N - El Barrio
N - The Dome
N VOL - Rose Street White Rose
R - Assembly Rooms
R - British Linen Bank
R - Consulado General De Espana
R - Eagle & Lion Statues
R - Frederick St Post Office
R - Free Masons Hall
R - George Street Ladies
R - James Clerk Maxwell
R - Lighthouse on George Street
R - Lyon And Turnbull
R - Parish of St. Andrew
R - Poetic Flowerbox
R - Prudential Assurance Company
R - RAF Benevolent Fund Offices
R - Restaurant Mark Greenaway
R - Rose Mosaic
R - Rose Street Business Location Guide
R - Royal College of Physicians
R - Scott House
R - Scottish National Portrait Gallery Entrance
R - Scottish National Portrait Gallery Statues
R - Sir James Young Simpson's House
R - St. Andrew and St. George's West Church
R - St. Andrew Square Tram Station
R - St. Andrew's Parish Church
R - Stand Comedy Club Edinburgh
R - Supreme Council for Scotland
R - The Dome
R - The George Hotel
R - The Lodge of Edinburgh - Mary's Chapel
R - The Scotch Malt Whisky Society
R - The Standing Order
R - William Pitt the Younger Statue
R VOL - Adam Black Statue
R VOL - Alexander Mackenzie
R VOL - Black Rose Tavern
R VOL - Hanover Royal Hall
R VOL - Moray Place Statue
R VOL - Royal Garden Apartments
R VOL - St. Bernard's Well
R VOL - St. Paul's and St. George's Church
R VOL - Tudor House
#Abaddon: Seville - Measurement 3 Report
The Resistance captured this Measurement, 121 to 116.
The Enlightened currently control this Satellite Site, leading by 419.
Portals Owned - RES: 16 - ENL: 26 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 6 - ENL: 8 - [Value: 8 each]
"Links Created - RES: 1 - ENL: 9
[Values: 15 to 29 = 60, 30 to 49 = 125, >50 = 250]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 2
[Values: 5 to 14 = 60, 15 to 24 = 125, >25 = 250]"
"Strategic Field - RES
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"
Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 32 - ENL: 52
Volatile Portals - RES: 48 - ENL: 64
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 41 - ENL: 0
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 121 - Enlightened - 116
Total for this Satellite Site:
Resistance - 347 - Enlightened - 766
Measurement Time Details:
Original: 3:14 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: pv,"%XF51Bng|S+[4i(z"s---3:14---
SHA256 of Padded String: 5b583cd8923aaf8acafd1627f6ca13a29757d92975a073d030ed47aeadf4c593
Portal Ownership Details
E - Arco De La Discordia
E - Av. de la Constitución
E - Ayuntamiento de Sevilla
E - Bacalao de Sevilla
E - Banco de España
E - Beautiful group of sculptures
E - Belen De Cajasol
E - Capilla De San Onofre
E - Capilla Del Baratillo
E - Confitería Filella
E - Convento de San Buenaventura
E - Cross-cultural Centre
E - El Mariachi
E - Fnac Artistic Sevillian Pictures
E - Fuente De Joaquin Romero Murube
E - Histórico Plaza
E - Iglesia del Salvador
E - Mary Queen Mural
E - Patio Sevillano
E - Pintura Toro
E - Plaza de Monviedro
E - Plaza De Santa Marta
E - Plaza del Cabildo
E - Puerta Del Bautismo
E - Puerta del Postigo
E - Reales Alcazares
E VOL - Catedral de Sevilla
E VOL - Iglesia del buen Suceso.
E VOL - La Manilla
E VOL - Loreto Francos
E VOL - Moto De Madera
E VOL - Pastora Imperio - Calle Velázq
E VOL - Puerta de San Cristóbal
E VOL - Purple Clock
N - Antigua Cárcel De Cervantes Quixote
N - Estatua Miguel De Cervantes
N - Monumento San Fernando Ecuestr
N - Oficina De Información
N VOL - Diábolo Enrique
N VOL - Fray Bartolome De Las Casas
R - Archivo General de Indias
R - Cameleon
R - Casa De Juan Antonio Cavestany
R - Casa Modernista
R - Edificio Teatro Coliseo
R - Fountain At Plaza Virgen de los Reyes
R - Hacienda
R - Knight Sculpture
R - Los Corales
R - Palacio arzobispal
R - Plaza del Triunfo 2010-09-23
R - Plaza Nueva, Sevilla
R - San Juan de Dios
R - Sevilla - Plaza del Triunfo :
R - Tendido 11
R - Torre Azul
R VOL - Alcazar Entrance
R VOL - Casa de Pilatos
R VOL - Fuente de la Puerta de Jerez
R VOL - Garlochi
R VOL - Iglesia De San José
R VOL - Zurbaran
#Abaddon: Zagreb - Measurement 3 Report
The Enlightened captured this Measurement, 90 to 86.
The Resistance currently control this Satellite Site, leading by 41.
Portals Owned - RES: 15 - ENL: 18 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 7 - ENL: 3 - [Value: 8 each]
"Links Created - RES: 11 - ENL: 2
[Values: 15 to 29 = 60, 30 to 49 = 125, >50 = 250]"
"Anchored Fields Created - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
[Values: 5 to 14 = 60, 15 to 24 = 125, >25 = 250]"
"Strategic Field - ENL
[Value: 35% of opponent's Values this Measurement, rounded]"
Values acquired this Measurement:
Portals - RES: 30 - ENL: 36
Volatile Portals - RES: 56 - ENL: 24
Links - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Anchored Fields - RES: 0 - ENL: 0
Strategic Field - RES: 0 - ENL: 30
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 86 - Enlightened - 90
Total for this Satellite Site:
Resistance - 312 - Enlightened - 271
Measurement Time Details:
Original: 4:35 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: ---4:35---o0xcG0T'jzdd@X[WsjOdL
SHA256 of Padded String: 02f25e86f64d72ba83551f4d172b38f571e0e8c0f355ec0ce6c5ddb641a5c8ce
Portal Ownership Details
E - Apoljon
E - Ban Jelačić Statue
E - Crkva Sv. Preobraženja Gospodnjeg
E - Croatian Geodetic Society
E - Cvjetni Trg
E - Duo
E - Grounded Mercury
E - Hrvatski Športski Muzej
E - Klub Knjizevnika
E - La Torretta
E - Manduševac
E - Memorial Plaque of Zagreb Synagogue
E - Mr. Iron
E - Nikola Tesla
E - Obla Česma
E - Razlistana Forma
E - Rodna Kuća Antuna Mihanovića
E - Zagreb, I love You
E VOL - Little Angel
E VOL - Stone Vase
E VOL - Two Statues at HTS
N - Model of Zagreb
N - Poseidon, Mercury And Bach
N VOL - Dance, baby, Dance
N VOL - Likum Graffiti
N VOL - Ulični Svirač
R - Građevni Pas Pluto
R - Grounded Earth
R - Grounded Sun
R - Grounded Venus
R - Hotel Dubrovnik
R - J.R.
R - Ljudevit Gaj Bust
R - Meštrovićev Relief
R - Petar Preradović
R - Sestre Baković
R - Stjepan Radić
R - The Clock
R - Tin Ujević Monument
R - U Spomen Prosinačkim Žrtvama
R - Wounded Jesus Church
R VOL - Crkva Svetog Vinka
R VOL - Gradska Štedionica
R VOL - Hrvatski povijesni muzej
R VOL - Ivan Gundulić Relief
R VOL - Pilari
R VOL - Shrine at Langov Square
R VOL - Đorđićeva Building
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