Susanna Moyer reported that she had obtained this video through a deep-dive investigation in her last #IngressReport.

Originally shared by Niantic Project

Susanna Moyer reported that she had obtained this video through a deep-dive investigation in her last #IngressReport.

The video stream's exact source is unknown. However, I have performed some preliminary analysis of my own and can confirm that the voice heard herein does match that of A Detection Algorithm, or ADA, who had been offline for some months (and presumed terminated) following an attack by the assassin known as 855 and one of her creators, Henry Bowles. At the same time, ADA sounds... somehow different. I can't place exactly why.

As for what to make of this. I'll refrain, for now, from stating my own analysis and opinions, except to say that there is much here to process.

I welcome your input.

