Originally shared by Laszlo Bock
If I told you I had a simple way to make your company 9% more productive, right now, for free, you’d probably call me crazy. So don’t take my word for it – instead let’s look at the data.
After studying the productivity of 308 companies' performance over 22 years, Dr. Kamal Birdi of the University of Sheffield found that there was only one factor that consistently lead to gains in performance: empowering employees. Companies that gave their employees freedom by doing things like transferring decision-making power from managers to employees saw better results than those that didn’t.
So when you’re wondering how to hit this quarter’s target, make sure you look for ways to put more power in employees’ hands. The more they feel like they own the place, the more driven they’ll be for it to succeed. #workrules
#google #productivity #empowerment
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