via Ingress
+Hank Johnson has a vision that transports him thousands of years into the past.
His struggle to escape the cycle of Recursion as an XM Simulacrum and return to his own body is well known, but now, it seems a deeper mystery has emerged. Is Hank dreaming of are these visions from long ago deeply buried memories?
Originally shared by Hank Johnson
A strange vision overtook me. I saw into the past... was it real or a dream?
Before I turn the clock back to the moments directly following my escape from the 13MAGNUS Nest, some current news. Following a lead that might lead me into familiar territory. Don't be surprised if I see you in Hannover at the Shōnin Anomaly on Saturday...
...I moved to cover and waited. I didn’t hear anything more. This told me that whatever was moving in the distance was aware of me but wasn’t trying to kill me. Not now, at least.
Then something very strange happened. I chanced to look up at the stars. I was fixated on them. Maybe it was because the image was eternal. If I had lived millennia ago, they would look the same then as they do now.
Memories began to flood in, like the stars had caused me to access old files buried on a forgotten hard drive. It had the time-machine quality of opening up an unused computer and being back in a moment long ago. Deep memories. Memories spanning centuries. Paths walked. Forgotten springs. Valleys of fruit and flowers. Women. Children.
Riding on horseback across plains that stretched to the horizon.
I see myself on a black horse. Riding fast. The Macedonian seal emblazoned on my cloak which streams behind me. Bucephalus? Had I ridden the Black Stallion?
A woman rode with me, clinging. In my visions I turned to see her face.
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