Great work, Agents!
Originally shared by Alan Talkington
Northern Missouri #Unight16
The fight for the midwest is never ending. Last weekend, the Enlightened were summarily halted from fielding over the midwest in their attempt to put up fields across the country.
We intended to show them exactly how you field the midwest.
Kansas City had a great show of force from our team tonight, and I cannot begin to express how grateful I am for all the effort that has been put forth to make this field happen.
I have the distinct pleasure of working with all these people day in and day out.
You guys rock, and our community rocks.
Intel / Dispatch
Andrew Buter -Zayin (Primary Dispatch)
Jason Warren -Ohmalot
Jason Frank -theupside
Matt Gerling -bandwidthhog
Linkers / Anchor Builders
James Skivers -MrSkivvies
Kain Banford -KainBanford
Shannon France -Ashglenn
Max Baldwin -archerseven
Adam Lusk -adamantiumsmurf
Christy Smith -vioofox
Linda Walton
Chet Nachtmann -cnachtmann
Amanda Nachtmann -anachtmann
Kerry Wano -solesearcher
Bryant McCracken -R3515T0R
Cody Feeney -Feenitis
Roger Sparks -rwsparks
Bryan Kuhn -Guner666
Holly Henry -gracelesshopper
Tim Warnock -SpiderDog13
Mike Solo -SoloRiderMO
Alex Scott -Harmoman
Nipahc Adoroare -Nipahc
Brad D Aeregon -Aeregon
Angie D Camper -goldengirl
Special Thanks
David Dellsperger -ddellspe (For the keys)
All the Es who cleared links for us today so we didn't have to!

Originally shared by Alan Talkington
Northern Missouri #Unight16
The fight for the midwest is never ending. Last weekend, the Enlightened were summarily halted from fielding over the midwest in their attempt to put up fields across the country.
We intended to show them exactly how you field the midwest.
Kansas City had a great show of force from our team tonight, and I cannot begin to express how grateful I am for all the effort that has been put forth to make this field happen.
I have the distinct pleasure of working with all these people day in and day out.
You guys rock, and our community rocks.
Intel / Dispatch
Andrew Buter -Zayin (Primary Dispatch)
Jason Warren -Ohmalot
Jason Frank -theupside
Matt Gerling -bandwidthhog
Linkers / Anchor Builders
James Skivers -MrSkivvies
Kain Banford -KainBanford
Shannon France -Ashglenn
Max Baldwin -archerseven
Adam Lusk -adamantiumsmurf
Christy Smith -vioofox
Linda Walton
Chet Nachtmann -cnachtmann
Amanda Nachtmann -anachtmann
Kerry Wano -solesearcher
Bryant McCracken -R3515T0R
Cody Feeney -Feenitis
Roger Sparks -rwsparks
Bryan Kuhn -Guner666
Holly Henry -gracelesshopper
Tim Warnock -SpiderDog13
Mike Solo -SoloRiderMO
Alex Scott -Harmoman
Nipahc Adoroare -Nipahc
Brad D Aeregon -Aeregon
Angie D Camper -goldengirl
Special Thanks
David Dellsperger -ddellspe (For the keys)
All the Es who cleared links for us today so we didn't have to!

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