Missions encourage Agents to explore local Portals and Field Trip Waypoints, to revisit the paths of earlier XM...

Originally shared by Ingress
Missions encourage Agents to explore local Portals and Field Trip Waypoints, to revisit the paths of earlier XM Anomalies, and to test their knowledge of the Niantic Project. Some of our favorite missions include hacking tours of Rome that retrace the Roman Imperial Army’s marching path, haunted ghost walks in Monterrey, and Nine Views, a scale model of our Solar System in Zagreb. Up to now, access to the Mission Authoring Tool has been limited to a small number of Beta Testers. Today, we’re opening the Missions Closed Beta to verified Agents L9 and above. For more info, check out the help article at http://goo.gl/B7jFSj. NIA Ops will be in touch with additional Beta Testers shortly, so stay tuned.
Complete a mission today, and share your favorites with the #IngressMissions hashtag.
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