Layers.... need more layers 😸

Layers.... need more layers 😸

via Joe Philley​

Originally shared by Jordon Mizzi

Operation Forever Green III & IV
In hope of being Melbourne being selected as one of the 100 cells battling for #Darsana  points the past few weeks, we prepared for our famous fields in outer west of Melbourne. Unfortunately we weren't selected but we went ahead with the op anyway :D 

After finding out the best time to suit everyone's availability and discovering we had tons of keys already, we decided we could throw the fields up twice...

Wednesday Night, 8:30pm, the clearing teams jumped into action. We had a few last minutes blockers which took about half hour to take out which our clearing team did an amazing job taking care of.
At 9:35pm, the anchors were inoculated and the anchor link was thrown. 24 minutes later,  3,774,153 Mind Units, 25 fields were up with 2 minutes to spare.

Shortly after the checkpoint, resistance agents were at the southern anchor and had thrown links almost all the way up to where the layers were made essentially guarding the corridor for us for the following night.

For Thursday night, we had to revise the plan to get the fields up quicker now that the resistance knew what we could do. We rearranged who was linking from where and added a few other tactics aiming to half our previous time.
Thursday 10:43pm, Anchors get immunised and linked followed by 3,622,029 Mind Units, 24 layers in 12 minutes with 5 minutes to spare.

A short while after the fields were taken down by our R friends in Riddells Creek (Hi Spharx ;) ), the northern anchor was re-established and 3 layers went back up with an extension from gisborne for the shiggles worth 476,654 Mind Units :D 

Over two awesome fun filled nights, we captured 7,872,836 MU breaking Victorian records of most MU op without covering Melbourne CBD and fastest multi-layered fields op

congratulations and thank you to everyone who put all the time and effort in to make this operation happen

The most fun part of this operation is being able to work with such an awesome group of friends :D
Jadelz Ross 
Karar Entzenyes
David Froon 
Jules Bowler 
Roger Rattus 
Roger D 
Daniel Orchard 
Sinny Dear 
Vatec cetaV 
Jenny T 
Peter Warburton 
Heather F 
Stephanie Heward 
Victor Hardy 
jake fakiez 
Keith Davis 
Dan Findley 
Shaun Crossland 
Marc Bradshaw 
Mark Valiukas 
Naomi Seemann 
Giang Tran 
Robin Darroch 
Rebecca Millar 
Oliver Timony 

Record fielding times

#TealOrNoDeal  Melbourne (BM leg): 39 sec/layer (32 layers in 21 mins)
#OpForeverGreen  II: 40 sec/layer (75 layers in 60 mins)
#OpForeverGreen  III: 57.6 sec/layer (25 layers in 24 mins)
#OpForeverGreen  *IV: 30 sec/layer (24 layers in 12 mins)*

#ingressyeartwo  Joe Philley Anne Beuttenmüller Matilde Tusberti Ingress Brian Rose 

Keep an eye out for Operation Forever Green V!! :P
