Congratulations, ENL 😎 and kudos to RES for putting up a strong fight.
Over to #Helios 06...
Originally shared by Ingress
#Helios 05: Summary of Anomaly Conditions at Measurement 4
Prague - R:856 - E:986
Manchester - R:129.2 - E:266
Rotterdam - R:498 - E:444.4
Regional Cells + High-Risk Array - R:296.64 - E:305.352
Total - R:1779.84 - E:2001.752
Despite a powerful turnaround in Rotterdam, where the Resistance dominated Measurement 4, and control of all but two of the connected Regional Cells, the Enlightened combined a strong presence Manchester and a fierce struggle in Prague to control #Helios 05 by an advantage of 221.912.
The Resistance currently control 4 #Helios Artifacts, the Enlightened 3.
The Enlightened currently lead the #Helios Anomaly Series, which stands 19-8, but with 33 Artifacts and 5 Anomalies remaining, this Series is not even half over. Attention now turns to #Helios 06, unfolding now in Detroit.
#Helios: Prague - Measurement 4 Report
The Enlightened captured this Measurement, 394 to 326.
The Enlightened captured this Primary Site, outperforming the Resistance by 130.
Portals Owned - RES: 53 - ENL: 52 - [Value: 2 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 1 - ENL: 4 - [Value: 20 each]
Links Created - RES: 40 - ENL: 42 - [Value: 5 each]
Single Field Over Entire Cluster - NONE - [Value: +40%, (0)]
The Enlightened captured the High-Risk Portal Array. [Value: +5%] R: 63 - E: 168 (across all 4 Measurements)
The Enlightened controlled AF15-ROMEO-14 (Volatile) [Value: +8%]
The Enlightened controlled NR04-ECHO-10 (Additional) [Value: +5%]
The Resistance controlled AF14-PAPA-12 (Additional) [Value: +5%]
The Resistance controlled AF01-DELTA-03 (Additional) [Value: +5%]
The Resistance controlled NR02-BRAVO-02 (Additional) [Value: +5%]
The Resistance controlled AS11-GOLF-09 (Additional) [Value: +5%]
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 326 - Enlightened - 394
Total for this Primary Site:
Resistance - 856 - Enlightened - 986
Measurement Time Details:
Original: 3:20 (Minutes:Seconds within Measurement Window)
Padded String: uC7oj7 3:20 e-Bb
Portal Ownership Details
ENL - Bull
ENL - Bust of Václav Hollar
ENL - Černá kráva
ENL - Dionysos (Bacchus)
ENL - Dívka s rybami
ENL - Dum S Baculatyma Andelickama
ENL - Eagle and Lions
ENL - En la calle Celetna, Praga
ENL - Five Watchers
ENL - Hany Bany
ENL - Harpy Nest
ENL - Hausmarke
ENL - Here Albert Einstein Played the Violin
ENL - Hindsight
ENL - Image Theatre
ENL - Jaro
ENL - Josefov, Praha (Prague), Česká
ENL - Kasna s alegorickou sochou Vltavy
ENL - Konektor Place
ENL - Kostel sv. Jakuba
ENL - Květinové Hodiny
ENL - Marina
ENL - Marionette Theatre
ENL - Melantrice
ENL - Neptune-Prague le 17/06/2010
ENL - Obecni dum
ENL - Obeti Nacismu
ENL - Oblicej
ENL - Památník Padlým
ENL - Pařížská, Prague
ENL - Petrske Lavicky
ENL - Piaceta Florentinum
ENL - Praga
ENL - Praga, Czechy
ENL - Prage City Gallery
ENL - Prague - Place de la vieille v
ENL - Prague, Dům u Černé matky Boží
ENL - Rabbi Löw 1520 - 1609
ENL - Sbratrení (Vrchlickeho sady)
ENL - Sculpture near Old Town Square
ENL - Slovanský Dům
ENL - Socha Zeny
ENL - St . Nicholas Church
ENL - St Agnes of Bohemia Convent
ENL - Staroměstské Náměstí
ENL - Štencův Dům
ENL - Svaty Frantisek
ENL - Svaty v okne
ENL - The Blind Dancers
ENL - Tynsti Kaprici
ENL - Wax Museum
ENL - Zvonice Kostela Svateho Petra
ENL [Vol] - andel
ENL [Vol] - Dungeon Pregnant Lady
ENL [Vol] - Fara u sv. Petra
ENL [Vol] - République Tchèque, la statue
NEU - Day and Night
NEU - Franz Kafka
NEU - Fryderik Chopin House
NEU - Jan Hus Monument
NEU - Kasna
NEU - Lions Guarding the Rooftops
NEU - Masarykovo Nádraží
NEU - Palace Archa
NEU - Pomnicek Verni zustanem
NEU - Sochy Nade Dvermi
NEU - Speculum Alchemie
NEU - Staroměstské náměstí
NEU - U České Orlice
RES - 1911 Statue
RES - Angels on the Gate
RES - Apollinaire Statue
RES - Augustin Pechlat
RES - Cafe Imperial
RES - Chlapec s kvetinami
RES - Dalekanium V Petrske
RES - Divaldo Hybernia Theater
RES - Družstvo Pro Stavbu Učitelských Domů V Praze
RES - Dum Jaroslava Jezka
RES - Francisova Turbina
RES - Golden Angel
RES - Haštal
RES - Hotel Central
RES - hôtel de ville de Prague le 18
RES - Hotel Terminus Doors
RES - Inner City Skyway
RES - Intercontinental Gold Sign
RES - Intercontinental Statue
RES - Jindřišská věž, Praha 1
RES - Kolowrat's Palace
RES - Kostel Klimentska
RES - Kostel sv. Petra
RES - Maisel Synagogue
RES - Maria with Jesus
RES - Marian Column
RES - Moreplavec Ve Zlatnicke
RES - Mořská panna
RES - Odhalene Krasky Zlatnicke
RES - Old hebrew Cemetery
RES - Palladium Shoping Center
RES - Pamatnik padlych hrdinu Masarycka
RES - Praga, Czechy
RES - Prague (12), Czech Republic, 1
RES - Prašná Brána
RES - Římskokatolická farnost Matky Boží před Týnem
RES - Rudolf Kremlička
RES - Socha
RES - St. Nicholas Church
RES - Staroměstská radnice
RES - Staromestsky orloj
RES - Statue
RES - Statue 1874
RES - Statue de lettres à Prague
RES - T rpslici UNIMA
RES - T.G. Masaryk Bust in Masaryk Station
RES - The Arch and Fountain
RES - The Eye
RES - The Old New Synagogue
RES - The One Armed
RES - Toit de la Czech National Bank
RES - Vetraci Sachta Republika
RES - Well of Wisdom
RES [Vol] - Concrete Monument
#Helios: Manchester - Measurement 4 Report
The Enlightened captured this Measurement, 63 to 27.
The Enlightened captured this Secondary Site, outperforming the Resistance by 136.8.
Portals Owned - RES: 11 - ENL: 17 - [Value: 1 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 1 - ENL: 4 - [Value: 10 each]
Links Created - RES: 2 - ENL: 2 - [Value: 3 each]
Single Field Over Entire Cluster - NONE - [Value: +40%, (0)]
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 27 - Enlightened - 63
Total for this Secondary Site:
Resistance - 129.2 - Enlightened - 266
Portal Ownership Details
ENL - Alan Turing Plaque
ENL - Arduus Ad Solem
ENL - Arty People Mural
ENL - Cavendish Building Sculpture
ENL - Church Inn in Hulme Built In 1900
ENL - Colourful Tapestry
ENL - Ducie Arms
ENL - First Stored Program Plaque
ENL - Former Chapel
ENL - International Pentecostal City Mission Church
ENL - John Rylands University Librar
ENL - Manchester Dental Education Centre
ENL - Manchester Old Abbey Pub
ENL - Manchester Science Park
ENL - Martin Harris Centre for Music and Drama
ENL - Samuel Alexander
ENL - University Place Building
ENL [Vol] - Peter Mark Roget Plaque
ENL [Vol] - Pig & Hippo
ENL [Vol] - Schunk Building, University of Manchester
ENL [Vol] - Wall Art 1
NEU - 1st Stored Program Run, Williams and Kilburn 1948
NEU - Benzie Building -Manchester School of Art
NEU - Charlotte Bronte 1855
NEU - Student Services Centre, Manchester University
RES - Ahmadiyya Muslim Association U.K Domes
RES - Cafe Muse
RES - Cavendish Road Graffiti
RES - Home Community Garden Centre
RES - Manchester Museum Plaque
RES - Manchester Science Park Clock
RES - MSP Greenheys
RES - Righton Building (1905)
RES - Salutation Hotel
RES - Sir Charles Halle Plaque
RES - Union Hall Church, Stretford Road
RES [Vol] - The Gamecock of Hulme
#Helios: Rotterdam - Measurement 4 Report
The Resistance captured this Measurement, 180 to 89.
The Resistance captured this Secondary Site, outperforming the Enlightened by 53.6.
Portals Owned - RES: 57 - ENL: 27 - [Value: 1 each]
Volatile Portals Owned - RES: 0 - ENL: 5 - [Value: 10 each]
Links Created - RES: 41 - ENL: 4 - [Value: 3 each]
Single Field Over Entire Cluster - NONE - [Value: +40%, (0)]
Total for this Measurement:
Resistance - 180 - Enlightened - 89
Total for this Secondary Site:
Resistance - 498 - Enlightened - 444.4
Portal Ownership Details
ENL - 3 Master
ENL - Animals of Rotterdam
ENL - Art on the Wall
ENL - Bellamy Coffeeshop
ENL - Cow Mural
ENL - De aarde is een bol met een laag schimmel er omheen
ENL - De Leeuwenhoek Painting
ENL - De Magistraat
ENL - Engelse Klok
ENL - Forrest Mural
ENL - Het Wapen Van Rotterdam
ENL - Huis Sonnenfeld At The New Institute
ENL - Jan Engelman Mural
ENL - Jesus Statue
ENL - Kathedraal Bisdom Rotterdam
ENL - Kinky Mosaic
ENL - La Grande Musicienne
ENL - Lastplak Mural
ENL - Met Een Lach En Een Traan
ENL - Moeder en kind
ENL - Multi Culture Art
ENL - Ongebroken Verzet
ENL - Rainbow Pub
ENL - Retro Sifi Art
ENL - Rotterdamsche Kookpot
ENL - Sculptuur Metro Station Dijkzigt, Rotterdam
ENL - V2 Institute for the Unstable Media
ENL [Vol] - 2 Dice
ENL [Vol] - Ballet Dancer
ENL [Vol] - Electricity House (1930's)
ENL [Vol] - Gundam - Rotterdam Skatepark
ENL [Vol] - Zonder Titel
NEU - Alien Graffiti
NEU - Kanon
NEU - Little Chickens
NEU - Ornament
NEU - Park Clock
NEU - Picture Structure on the Water
NEU - Rotterdam Centrum
NEU - Rotterdamse Schouwburg
NEU - Stamppot Heaven
NEU - Tile Mozaïek
NEU - Toko Wai Yat Art
NEU - Tony Viola
NEU - Vermeyden Delicatessen
RES - 'L Homme qui Marche
RES - "De Positieve Schaduwzijde"
RES - "De Reus van Rotterdam"
RES - 3 Kinderen Beeld
RES - Angel Guarding
RES - Anita
RES - Art Painting Gaffelstraat
RES - Blokken Berg
RES - Blue Forest Mural
RES - Blue Red Art
RES - Coffeeshop Pluto
RES - Couches
RES - Danseres
RES - De Waag
RES - Die
RES - Dragon
RES - Eendrachtsplein Rotterdam
RES - Fikkie by Joeki Simak
RES - First Stone
RES - Flower Power
RES - Formule B.
RES - Ganzen Mural
RES - Garden of Demeyel
RES - Giraffe
RES - Glass in Lead
RES - Haiku by Bakia
RES - Happy Scream
RES - Jaap Valkhof
RES - Kabouter Buttplug
RES - Kringeltjeskunst
RES - Kruiskade Memorial
RES - Man of Meisje
RES - Multi Culture Art Painting
RES - Mural Jacobustuin
RES - Mural Sekty
RES - Old Dutch
RES - Olie Platform
RES - Omo Wast Smetteloos Wit
RES - Oude Binnenweg, Rotterdam
RES - Painted Corner
RES - Pauluskerk
RES - Pegasus
RES - Recognize Your Muze
RES - Spring Flowers
RES - Stoeptegel Oude Binnenweg
RES - Stoney Malony
RES - The Fishes
RES - Through the Tree and Wall
RES - Tulips from Rotterdam
RES - Two Birds Guarding the Birdhouse
RES - Van 't Hoff Monument
RES - Vervormde Lantarenpaal
RES - Vogelhuisjes
RES - Wall Art Snake
RES - Wall Art Waves
RES - Wie dit aanraakt, bestaat
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