This document came my way earlier today, but I didn't have the opportunity to examine it in detail until now...
Originally shared by Niantic Project
This document came my way earlier today, but I didn't have the opportunity to examine it in detail until now...
IQTech Research's Ezekiel Calvin and Devra Bogdanovich... Former colleagues, peers, even.
That relationship is poised to change in a big way.
If ever there was a time to read between the lines, it's now, Investigators.
You'll see what I see, and what I see is turbulence on the horizon.

This document came my way earlier today, but I didn't have the opportunity to examine it in detail until now...
IQTech Research's Ezekiel Calvin and Devra Bogdanovich... Former colleagues, peers, even.
That relationship is poised to change in a big way.
If ever there was a time to read between the lines, it's now, Investigators.
You'll see what I see, and what I see is turbulence on the horizon.

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