It's M2 and #IngressKyoto is all green!
Originally shared by Ingress
#IngressKyoto - KYOTO - Measurement 2 Report
The Resistance owned 0 Volatile Portals and 5 Non-Volatile Portals
The Enlightened owned 5 Volatile Portals and 11 Non-Volatile Portals
The Enlightened had 7 Links standing at Measurement Time
The Enlightened had 2 Anchored Fields standing at Measurement Time
Total for Resistance this Measurement = 25
Total for Enlightened this Measurement = 300
Total for Resistance this Operation = 60
Total for Enlightened this Operation = 790
Measurement Time Details:
Original: 1:54 (Minutes:Seconds past the hour)
Padded: suGNOJvimgzuvdUhtoQrRlJ 1:54 iHXbYDZ
MD5 of Padded String: c648d7d5e8a058940873f49770da0286
Portal Ownership Details:
ゼスト御池こんちき像 (VOLATILE) - Enlightened
時計 (VOLATILE) - Enlightened
本能寺日蓮上人像 (VOLATILE) - Enlightened
桂小五郎 像 (VOLATILE) - Enlightened
Beyond Time and Space (VOLATILE) - Enlightened
信長公廟 - Enlightened
大本山本能寺 - Enlightened
Head Temple Honnou-Ji - Enlightened
地下鉄駅 - Enlightened
寺町御池の周辺観光案内図 - Enlightened
御池大橋 - Enlightened
高瀬川 - Enlightened
京都市役所 河原町側 - Enlightened
寺町通 - Enlightened
御池橋 - Enlightened
悲田院の遺址 - Enlightened
Gokomachi Dori - Neutral
ゼスト御池の壁画 - Neutral
地蔵尊 京都ホテルオークラ横 - Neutral
Map Sculpture - Neutral
京都ホテルオークラの噴水 - Neutral
東西南北通りうたの歌詞 - Neutral
本能寺の記念碑 - Neutral
佐久間象山・大村益次郎遭難之碑 - Neutral
Monument - Resistance
フィレンツェ市寄贈プッチーノ像 - Resistance
河原町御池の噴水 - Resistance
京都市役所前駅ダイエット階段 - Resistance
河原町御池の噴水 - Resistance
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