Brilliant tactic, Agents :-)
Originally shared by John Bradford
Sitrep Lightning Strike
We all know that it's easier to take out a portal with a couple of friends, but what if you spread out so you maximised the over-lapping arcs of fire? And instead of starting 'when in range', you coordinated to fire simultaneously? And instead of a couple of friends, you had 23?
Lightning Strike was born.
Thanks to pioneering XM research at Bristol University a plan was calculated to maximise and amplify our XMP damage. This plan was then mapped against various sites, looking for the perfect place to test the effect. Finally a suitable site was chosen, the World Heritage City of #Bath .
Bath was selected on two critical factors; a) it has high portal & street density making it easier to achieve a direct mapping to the theoretical maximum impact; b) it's a lovely city to visit. This last factor was important as the actual operation would only take a couple of minutes, leaving agents that had travelled to participate with quite a lot of spare time on their hands.
Invites were sent out, friends invited their friends, and much cake was baked. Soon we had plenty of people excited to spend a day in Bath, and contribute to XM research (and eat cake with specially commissioned and rice-paper printed Operation "Lightning Strike" toppers). In addition to the 'local' agents, we had colleagues from London, Southampton, Cheltenham and Exeter.
Careful planning ensured that the operation took place under perfect conditions. At the dispersal point morale was high. Complete radio silence had been maintained throughout the day so as not to disturb the local XM distribution.
At precisely 19:01 UTC the command was given to fire.
The command to deploy was given at 19:04 UTC.
In under 5 minutes we had neutralised and claimed 46 portals; Bath city centre!
Lessons Learned
1) #Ingress is described as being near-real time. The Intel map is not anywhere as 'near' as necessary for this kind of operation. Within seconds of firing bursters I was looking at a sea of grey portals on my scanner and on the phone to our "Eyes in the Skies", who was still seeing blue everywhere. Despite repeated F5 & Ctrl-F5, only in the dying seconds of 19:04UTC did the Intel map finally reflect the situation on the ground. We lost a good three minutes waiting for the website to catch up with the mobile.
2) People love being part of something for the first time. I believe this was the first time a city centre has been captured in a single strike.
3) People, especially Enlightened agents, love cake.
Concept & original idea - Iterole
XM Research - bridgewalker
Eyes-in-the-Skies - jcdenton2012
Operations - Fruitbat
Agents on the Ground - BjornTheTall, bluegenes, bridgewalker, Browneout, conorjh, Dannyboy42, Eldstrom, Flash1977, FlippingSonic, Fruitbat, hateincarnate, InOneEar, Laze, MrBeeblebox, MrMuttley, MrSparklepants, neomirg, Novapuppet, pegasys, RoBotOne, sessha, smurfhunter69, Snailhouse
Special Mentions - We didn't expect such a large disturbance of XM to go unnoticed for long and Resistance Agents BobbyDazzler, fscked, Fref, vicunas soon arrived. Resistance Agent farcofel gets an extra special mention for capturing a portal while surrounded by 23 Enlightened agents (this was minutes pre-op whilst we were still maintaining radio silence), and not noticing!
Enlightened Agent Fruitbat
Ingress Brandon Badger Anne Beuttenmüller Joe Philley

Originally shared by John Bradford
Sitrep Lightning Strike
We all know that it's easier to take out a portal with a couple of friends, but what if you spread out so you maximised the over-lapping arcs of fire? And instead of starting 'when in range', you coordinated to fire simultaneously? And instead of a couple of friends, you had 23?
Lightning Strike was born.
Thanks to pioneering XM research at Bristol University a plan was calculated to maximise and amplify our XMP damage. This plan was then mapped against various sites, looking for the perfect place to test the effect. Finally a suitable site was chosen, the World Heritage City of #Bath .
Bath was selected on two critical factors; a) it has high portal & street density making it easier to achieve a direct mapping to the theoretical maximum impact; b) it's a lovely city to visit. This last factor was important as the actual operation would only take a couple of minutes, leaving agents that had travelled to participate with quite a lot of spare time on their hands.
Invites were sent out, friends invited their friends, and much cake was baked. Soon we had plenty of people excited to spend a day in Bath, and contribute to XM research (and eat cake with specially commissioned and rice-paper printed Operation "Lightning Strike" toppers). In addition to the 'local' agents, we had colleagues from London, Southampton, Cheltenham and Exeter.
Careful planning ensured that the operation took place under perfect conditions. At the dispersal point morale was high. Complete radio silence had been maintained throughout the day so as not to disturb the local XM distribution.
At precisely 19:01 UTC the command was given to fire.
The command to deploy was given at 19:04 UTC.
In under 5 minutes we had neutralised and claimed 46 portals; Bath city centre!
Lessons Learned
1) #Ingress is described as being near-real time. The Intel map is not anywhere as 'near' as necessary for this kind of operation. Within seconds of firing bursters I was looking at a sea of grey portals on my scanner and on the phone to our "Eyes in the Skies", who was still seeing blue everywhere. Despite repeated F5 & Ctrl-F5, only in the dying seconds of 19:04UTC did the Intel map finally reflect the situation on the ground. We lost a good three minutes waiting for the website to catch up with the mobile.
2) People love being part of something for the first time. I believe this was the first time a city centre has been captured in a single strike.
3) People, especially Enlightened agents, love cake.
Concept & original idea - Iterole
XM Research - bridgewalker
Eyes-in-the-Skies - jcdenton2012
Operations - Fruitbat
Agents on the Ground - BjornTheTall, bluegenes, bridgewalker, Browneout, conorjh, Dannyboy42, Eldstrom, Flash1977, FlippingSonic, Fruitbat, hateincarnate, InOneEar, Laze, MrBeeblebox, MrMuttley, MrSparklepants, neomirg, Novapuppet, pegasys, RoBotOne, sessha, smurfhunter69, Snailhouse
Special Mentions - We didn't expect such a large disturbance of XM to go unnoticed for long and Resistance Agents BobbyDazzler, fscked, Fref, vicunas soon arrived. Resistance Agent farcofel gets an extra special mention for capturing a portal while surrounded by 23 Enlightened agents (this was minutes pre-op whilst we were still maintaining radio silence), and not noticing!
Enlightened Agent Fruitbat
Ingress Brandon Badger Anne Beuttenmüller Joe Philley
