Shiny new badges :-)
Originally shared by Ingress
Recently, Visur Technology and Hulong Transglobal revealed that they are seeking to establish Cells of influence, carving the world up in order to consolidate their power. Agents who capture large sets of Portals may be possible assets to the XM corporations.
Two new Medals have been added to the AGENT tab:
Pioneer: Capture distinct Portals
Liberator: Capture Portals

Originally shared by Ingress
Recently, Visur Technology and Hulong Transglobal revealed that they are seeking to establish Cells of influence, carving the world up in order to consolidate their power. Agents who capture large sets of Portals may be possible assets to the XM corporations.
Two new Medals have been added to the AGENT tab:
Pioneer: Capture distinct Portals
Liberator: Capture Portals

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