"If you'd like for us to re-evaluate Portals that you feel have been incorrectly rejected or removed from the...

"If you'd like for us to re-evaluate Portals that you feel have been incorrectly rejected or removed from the playfield, please add us to your post, include the Portal name and lat/long or address of its location. Also, add #PortalAppeals . We recommend sharing it publicly so other Agents can follow along."
Originally shared by NIA Ops
Portal of the Week
The Audience
Lat/Long: 43.642148,-79.390942
If you'd like for us to re-evaluate Portals that you feel have been incorrectly rejected or removed from the playfield, please add us to your post, include the Portal name and lat/long or address of its location. Also, add #PortalAppeals . We recommend sharing it publicly so other Agents can follow along.
CC: Ingress
VERY NICE..............