Originally shared by Pooja Srinivas (Seeker)
Op Clean and Green: Twin Ops for Twin Cities
From time to time, the city authorities of Hyderabad organize ‘clean and green drives’ to keep the city free of pollution and promote greenery and biodiversity [1]. The Enlightened Hyderabad strongly support such causes and organized one themselves this last weekend.
There were two Ops planned - 1. Clean Hyderabad 2. Green Hyderabad.
Hyderabad has been the greenest city in India. But of late, it has seen some resistance build up that threatened its greenery. The first step was to clean out the specks of blue splattered across the twin cities (Hyderabad and Secunderabad). The twin cities were divided into 6 regions and different agent teams started cleaning the city simultaneously. By the end of a 4 hour drive, the city was overwhelmingly green - 3:1 portals, 5:1 links, 15:1 fields. The smurfs started suspecting the presence of an Op, but they were distracted away by some Ingress badges and stickers distributed by one of our agents.
For the second step, Agent HashiramaSenju drove 1.5 hours to reach a portal that can anchor a field wide enough to cover Hyderabad in green. Agent arjunpar (Warangal) and TMaYaD (Vijayawada) had already been maintaining portals that would be linked to this anchor portal, and passed on the required keys. Control fields were created that not only made Hyderabad green, but also extended the greenery to a good portion of the state.
Vikarabad-Warangal-Hyderabad - 1.7M green minds
Vikarabad-Hyderabad-Vijayawada - 527K green minds
Although the original planned drive was complete, there were some last minute tweaks to the plan - Smurfs loved the green carpet so much they (b)egged us to extend it further by the end of the day. And what else could we say except "Challenge accepted!"
Enter Kshanada, our newest recruit who was in Vijaywada for a personal trip. Her plans of spending a casual evening shopping at Annie Besant road were shoved off as she got pulled in for her biggest task. She jumped into action right away and went on to (probably) make an Ingress record - a whopping 5.88 million MU for her first control field! We knew she had a great potential and we weren’t wrong!
Vikarabad-Vijawayada-Warangal - 5.88M green minds (8,132,699 green minds in total)
Significant Contrubutiors
Agent HashiramaSenju - Masterminded a day trip with friends just so that he can have an excuse to go to a portal 1.5 hours away and create the fields. His muggle friends still do not know this was an Ingress trip with a hike rather than a hiking trip with some hacks.
Agent TMaYaD - Hacked Vijawayada portals during his brother’s wedding to obtain and transfer keys to Hyderabad.
Agent arjunpar - Being a lone warrior in Warangal, he almost gave up until he came in contact with Hyderabad agents. Resumed enlightening minds with a rejuvenated energy.
Agent Kshanada - enlightened 5.8M mind units in her first attempt while still beginning to understand the effects of XM and the influence of shapers.
Other agents who helped clean up Hyderabad:
QuliQutbShah, samuraiX, Dragontickler, tithonus, Seeker, Surfer, agentDV
[1] - https://www.google.com/search?q=clean+and+green+hyderabad

Op Clean and Green: Twin Ops for Twin Cities
From time to time, the city authorities of Hyderabad organize ‘clean and green drives’ to keep the city free of pollution and promote greenery and biodiversity [1]. The Enlightened Hyderabad strongly support such causes and organized one themselves this last weekend.
There were two Ops planned - 1. Clean Hyderabad 2. Green Hyderabad.
Hyderabad has been the greenest city in India. But of late, it has seen some resistance build up that threatened its greenery. The first step was to clean out the specks of blue splattered across the twin cities (Hyderabad and Secunderabad). The twin cities were divided into 6 regions and different agent teams started cleaning the city simultaneously. By the end of a 4 hour drive, the city was overwhelmingly green - 3:1 portals, 5:1 links, 15:1 fields. The smurfs started suspecting the presence of an Op, but they were distracted away by some Ingress badges and stickers distributed by one of our agents.
For the second step, Agent HashiramaSenju drove 1.5 hours to reach a portal that can anchor a field wide enough to cover Hyderabad in green. Agent arjunpar (Warangal) and TMaYaD (Vijayawada) had already been maintaining portals that would be linked to this anchor portal, and passed on the required keys. Control fields were created that not only made Hyderabad green, but also extended the greenery to a good portion of the state.
Vikarabad-Warangal-Hyderabad - 1.7M green minds
Vikarabad-Hyderabad-Vijayawada - 527K green minds
Although the original planned drive was complete, there were some last minute tweaks to the plan - Smurfs loved the green carpet so much they (b)egged us to extend it further by the end of the day. And what else could we say except "Challenge accepted!"
Enter Kshanada, our newest recruit who was in Vijaywada for a personal trip. Her plans of spending a casual evening shopping at Annie Besant road were shoved off as she got pulled in for her biggest task. She jumped into action right away and went on to (probably) make an Ingress record - a whopping 5.88 million MU for her first control field! We knew she had a great potential and we weren’t wrong!
Vikarabad-Vijawayada-Warangal - 5.88M green minds (8,132,699 green minds in total)
Significant Contrubutiors
Agent HashiramaSenju - Masterminded a day trip with friends just so that he can have an excuse to go to a portal 1.5 hours away and create the fields. His muggle friends still do not know this was an Ingress trip with a hike rather than a hiking trip with some hacks.
Agent TMaYaD - Hacked Vijawayada portals during his brother’s wedding to obtain and transfer keys to Hyderabad.
Agent arjunpar - Being a lone warrior in Warangal, he almost gave up until he came in contact with Hyderabad agents. Resumed enlightening minds with a rejuvenated energy.
Agent Kshanada - enlightened 5.8M mind units in her first attempt while still beginning to understand the effects of XM and the influence of shapers.
Other agents who helped clean up Hyderabad:
QuliQutbShah, samuraiX, Dragontickler, tithonus, Seeker, Surfer, agentDV
[1] - https://www.google.com/search?q=clean+and+green+hyderabad

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