

Originally shared by Tim Milligan

More improvements to Hangouts On Air

We recently launched some On Air features to improve overall video quality (goo.gl/J7qTP). Today we're enhancing the viewer experience even further with a number of updates, including:

1) Hide the film strip at any time. The updated Cameraman app (http://goo.gl/NBbjc) lets you broadcast and record only the main video feed whenever you want. Bringing back the film strip is likewise just a click away.

2) Mute new participants, automatically. To reduce interruptions during your broadcast, the new Cameraman app also lets you mute new participants whenever they join.

3) Better screencasts and 1-2 person broadcasts, by default. Regardless whether you use the Cameraman app, we'll hide the film strip whenever you're screencasting and/or when there's only 1-2 participants.

Give the updates a try, and let us know what you think! #googleplusupdate #hangoutsonair


  1. Perfect timming.
    Let's see if we can find a use for it on today's Wave Watchers HoA.


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