via Mark Mitchell
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How brave Children walk to School around the World
It is easy to believe that we have it hard when the alarm rings for work or school early in the morning each day. But as these pictures show, it's worth a lot to have a normal and safe way to our daily activities...
Tim Costello, CEO of World Vision says: "Every day, around the world, we're seeing the power of education to transform communities. For instance, girls who spend seven years in school marry on average four years later and have 2.2 fewer children. An extra year of primary school boosts girls’ eventual wages by 10 to 20 per cent. An extra year of secondary school boosts wages by 15 to 25 per cent. Every time these children make such journeys to school, they don't benefit just themselves, but their entire communities." → goo.gl/3z93R
Related Article, Posts and Videos:
● Chinese children dangerous journey to school ➜ goo.gl/TQha4 (video)
● The terrifying climb of Chinese schoolchildren ➜ goo.gl/w0IkB
● Children going to great lengths in order to get to school ➜ goo.gl/6KF1K
● Perilous journey on inflated tube to get to school ➜ goo.gl/I8jrM
● Dangerous journeys to schools around the world ➜ goo.gl/RNQxN
● Children risking their lives on the way to school ➜ goo.gl/eOACA
● Kids risking their lives to reach school ➜ goo.gl/JdxbK
In this picture, from top left to bottom right:
● Students use an inflated tube to cross this swollen river on their way to school. Picture: Dennis M. Sabangan/EPA → goo.gl/I8jrM
● A boy climbs a wire across a river to get to school in Pintu Gabang, Indonesia. Photo: Panjalu Images / Igoy Fitra Yogi → goo.gl/oRJt6
● To get to school, these Chinese children take every day this dangerous path carved into the cliffs. Photo: Reuters → goo.gl/qNXyd
● The children decided to use the aqueduct on their journey to school as a shortcut. Photo: Panjalu Images → goo.gl/eOACA
● Nepalese girls float high above rivers on their way to school. These bridges enable hill tribe kids to get to school. Photo: JustgivingCom → goo.gl/XnUSN
● This little girl balances her three bags leaving her only one hand to scale the mountain to get to school. Picture: Imaginechina → goo.gl/w0IkB
● Kashmiri children cross a damaged footbridge built over a stream in India. The kids are on their way back home. Photo: Danish Ismai → goo.gl/RNQxN
● Students make their way across a damaged suspension bridge to go to their school on the other side of Ciberang river. Picture: AP → goo.gl/JM5zy
● Iraqi school girls walking past British soldiers aiming at a sniper after troops came under fire in Basra. Picture: AFP → goo.gl/3z93R
how dangerous is that...its scary to even look at the pictures