Live in 20 minutes! Now and Later: The Problem of Self-Control

Live in 20 minutes! Now and Later: The Problem of Self-Control

Professor Dan Ariely will talk about the difference between how we act, and how we think we'll act - and why we sometimes do things against our own best interests. Post your questions on the event page!

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Originally shared by Google Science Fair

Why Don't We Always Do What We Think We'll Do?

One of the challenges of human life is that what we think is good for us right now is often not what is good for us in the long term. Eating healthy and exercising, for example, are not so much fun now, but are good for us in the future.

When we face such tradeoffs, we often focus on the short term rather than our long term goals - and in the process, get ourselves into trouble.  But wait! There is hope. By understanding where we often fall short, we can learn how to overcome our natural (and less than desirable) inclinations.

Come watch Professor Dan Ariely from Duke University, author of "Predictably Irrational," as he helps us understand how we can deal with "The Problem of Self-Control."

Wednesday, 3 April, 9:00AM PT / 11:00AM CT / 12:00PM ET / 1700 GMT / 1800 CET
