#protips for #CoolHangouts

#protips  for #CoolHangouts  

Originally shared by Moritz Tolxdorff

Hangouts Office Hours on Air
In case you missed Google+ Help (Dori Storbeck) Hangouts Office Hours yesterday you can watch it again. Below is a list of questions and topics we talked about, so you can jump directly to the part you are interested in.

Please comment below, if you liked this format and it may happen again :-)

00:04 - Introduction
01:07 - Is it possible to create overlays for participants by the host?
02:40 - Link YouTube Channel to Google+ Page?
06:28 - Answer/workaround for linking YouTube with Page
08:17 - Message/Notification to inform users about background noise?
16:44 - Limited HOA to a specific audience?
17:46 - Live transcription, Analytics and "forms"/polls for HOAs?
19:55 - One-click-share of HOA/embed link to different pages/blogs?
23:26 - Will 15 user limit become available to normal users?
24:51 - Is it possible to disable notification sounds in a Hangout?
29:24 - Limited broadcasts, again?
35:02 - Low bandwidth mode on mobile?
35:54 - Expiration of Hangouts/Hangout links and max length of HOAs
38:58 - Creating Hangout events?
42:21 - Quality drop for recorded Hangouts?
43:33 - HOA support on IOS?
47:40 - Is it possible to create overlays for participants by the host, again
50:25 - Partial/cropped screenshare?
57:58 - Custom user agreement on joining?
58:43 - Remote unmute?
59:29 - Wrap-up

Thanks everyone for joining and for the feedback you provided!

#Hangouts   #HangoutsOnAir   #OfficeHours   #GooglePlusHelp  
