Join Patrick Yurick and Little Fish Studio ONLINE, for a FREE Google+ Hangout, guest panelists as we discuss the...

Join Patrick Yurick and Little Fish Studio ONLINE, for a FREE Google+ Hangout, guest panelists as we discuss the ever changing landscape of the comic book industry. This will include, but not limited to: Small Press, Mainstream print, Diamond distribution, comixology, comicpress & wordpress, etc.

#CoolHangouts   #hangoutsonair   

Originally shared by Patrick Yurick

Join Little Fish Comic Book Studio ONLINE, for a FREE Google+ Hangout, guest panelists as we discuss the ever changing landscape of the comic book industry. This will include, but not limited to: Small Press, Mainstream print, Diamond distribution, comixology, comicpress & wordpress, etc. 

Hosted by Patrick Yurick (Owner of Little Fish and Co-creator of

Guest Panelists:

Mark Luetke of
Emily Gillis of
Crystal Rollins of
Lee Cherolis of
Scott King of
