This is my favorite circle to share.

This is my favorite circle to share. Add them and sit back and watch as your stream gets filled with amazing artwork and fantastic tips and techniques :-)

Originally shared by Pooja Srinivas (Seeker)

This is a circle I reshare on a regular basis, as and when I find new art tutors on Google+. If you've added these folks before, just click on Add Circle and enter the same circle name to update your existing circle. 

If you are interested in a specific medium or topic and don't want to add everyone in the circle, hover over the names below and select Add to Circle from the hovercard. 

By Medium:
Watercolors: Andy Walker Alwyn Crawshaw Cathy Johnson   Juan Pena Julie Gilbert Pollard Mark Mitchell Oleg Tumasov Vinita Pappas Yevgenia Watts 
Oils: Danielle Hatherley Julie Gilbert Pollard Oleg Tumasov  
Digital Art: Cliff Roth Daniel Ibanez Jim Leggitt 
Drawing: Glenn Vilppu  JD Hillberry  Oleg Tumasov Robert Minervini  
Colored Pencils: Bec Winnel  Ester Roi 

By Topic:
Life Drawing/Figure Sketching: Glenn Vilppu 
Illustrating Children's books: Mark Mitchell 
Plein Air Painting: Danielle Hatherley (Oils) Alwyn Crawshaw (Watercolors) Cathy Johnson (Watercolors) Julie Gilbert Pollard (Watercolors)
Realistic Pencil Sketches: JD Hillberry 
Creating Comics: Scott McCloud Patrick Yurick 
Photoshop: Cliff Roth 
ArtRage: Daniel Ibanez 
SketchUp: Jim Leggitt 
Heat and Wax Based Media: Ester Roi 

If you know of any amazing art tutors that I haven't added to the circle yet, please mention them in the comments and I'll share them in the next update. 

#arttutors   #artisticwaves   #artstuff
