This is a circle I reshare on a regular basis, as and when I find new art tutors on Google+.

This is a circle I reshare on a regular basis, as and when I find new art tutors on Google+. If you've added these folks before, just click on Add Circle and enter the same circle name to update your existing circle. 

If you are interested in a specific medium or topic and don't want to add everyone in the circle, hover over the names below and select Add to Circle from the hovercard. 

By Medium:
Watercolors: Andy Walker Alwyn Crawshaw Cathy Johnson Juan Pena Julie Gilbert Pollard Mark Mitchell Oleg Tumasov Vinita Pappas Yevgenia Watts 
Oils: Danielle Hatherley Julie Gilbert Pollard Oleg Tumasov  
Digital Art: Cliff Roth Daniel Ibanez Jim Leggitt 
Drawing: Glenn Vilppu  JD Hillberry  Oleg Tumasov Robert Minervini  
Colored Pencils: Bec Winnel  Ester Roi 

By Topic:
Life Drawing/Figure Sketching: Glenn Vilppu 
Illustrating Children's books: Mark Mitchell 
Plein Air Painting: Danielle Hatherley (Oils) Alwyn Crawshaw (Watercolors) Cathy Johnson (Watercolors) Julie Gilbert Pollard (Watercolors)
Realistic Pencil Sketches: JD Hillberry 
Creating Comics: Scott McCloud Patrick Yurick 
Photoshop: Cliff Roth 
ArtRage: Daniel Ibanez 
SketchUp: Jim Leggitt 
Heat and Wax Based Media: Ester Roi 

If you know of any amazing art tutors that I haven't added to the circle yet, please mention them in the comments and I'll share them in the next update. 

#arttutors   #artisticwaves   #artstuff


  1. You're very kind, but I suck at oils! Markers is more my thing. :)

  2. Ouch wrong Daniel :-) Don't worry, you are not in the circle. I just selected the wrong one while mentioning them :-D 

    There... fixed it :-)

  3. Pooja Srinivas is there a digital painting circle?

  4. Christopher Stapleton this circle includes both traditional and digital artists. If you are looking for just digital painting, add the following: Cliff Roth Daniel Ibanez Jim Leggitt 

    You could also join this community:


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