Originally shared by Brian Glick
Control whether community posts appear on your profile
Thanks for all the great feedback on how we can make Google+ Communities even better. It’s been inspiring to see all of the different ways people are using communities, and we’re excited to keep making improvements.
Community posts are a great way for people to see your different interests when they visit your Google+ profile. But some of you have asked for a way to keep community posts separate from the rest of your Google+ posts.
Today we're adding a new setting that lets you do just that! Simply visit https://www.google.com/settings/plus, look for the new "Communities" section, and make your choice. (We'll be rolling this out gradually.)
Remember that your private community posts will only be visible to people in those communities, regardless of whether or not you show community posts on your profile.
Keep the comments and suggestions coming, and stay tuned for more improvements in the coming weeks!
Thanks for the share Pooja Srinivas Brian Glick :)