Suggestions for our monthly challenges have been posted.

Suggestions for our monthly challenges have been posted. Click here to view them and +1 to vote on the ideas:

#artstuff   #artisticwaves  

Originally shared by Bruce Achterberg

List of ideas for the Monthly Art Challenges

We can use this post to collect ideas for the monthly art challenges. 

What is the monthly art challenge?
The idea behind the monthly challenge is that each month we'll choose a topic, announce it via a G+ event, then people can use the medium of their choice to create a simple piece on that topic. Then, at the end of the month, we all share what we've come up with (though if you want to take longer to finish it and share it later, that's fine, too).

See an idea you like? +1 it in the comments below
I'll put each idea in a comment below, and if you see any that you like you can +1 that comment as a way of giving us some feedback. 

Have an idea for a topic?
If you'd like to share an idea, head on over to the following post and share your idea in the comments:
