#protips for #remarketing and #analytics

#protips  for #remarketing  and  #analytics  

Originally shared by Justin Cutroni

Use Google Analytics Remarketing to Increase Conversions

The Remarketing feature in Google Analytics let's you turn data into action immediately.

With remarketing you can segment the users on your site and then create an AdWords remarketing list from those users. This let's you identify and reach a very specific audience with a very specific message. The result is increased conversions and revenu.

If you're new to remarketing check out this blog post I wrote last week:


If you're looking to learn more about Remarketing check out thr upcoming webinar on December 12. Here are the details:

Webinar: Remarketing with Google Analytics
Date: December 12, 2013
Time: 10 am PST / 1pm EST / 6pm GMT
Register here: http://goo.gl/B49ma

#measure   #marketing   #analytics  
