#plusupdates don't forget to update the app on your Android or iOS device :-)

#plusupdates  don't forget to update the app on your Android or iOS device :-) 

Originally shared by Brian Glick

Communities rolling out for Android and iOS today!

Did you see the #seasonforshipping announcement from Dave Besbris of the 24 new features we're bundling into one package? (http://gplusproject.appspot.com/tis-the-season-for-shipping)

They're all awesome, but my personal favorite (of course!) are Google+ Communities for Android and iOS. :) Now you can read, chat, and share with your #communities on the go, wherever you are.


  1. Arjun Shenoy the links to the apps are up on the website :-)

  2. updated Pooja Srinivas :) G+ app is the best app in my phone :D awesome update :D


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