If you work with watercolors and have recommendations on brushes, please post them here: http://goo.gl/l1zZx

If you work with watercolors and have recommendations on brushes, please post them here: http://goo.gl/l1zZx
Closing comments on this thread to consolidate all responses in the original.
Originally shared by Pooja Srinivas (Seeker)
What brushes do you use/recommend the most for Watercolors?
I've been using synthetic golden taklon brushes so far and tried a natural pony hair brush recently on someone's suggestion. It's possible I chose the wrong one because it's surprisingly limp and doesn't have the spring that the synthetic brushes do.
I've heard Sable hair brushes are the best but I couldn't find them in local stores and they are way too expensive to buy without trying them out :-D
Would love to hear what brand of brushes you use and if you recommend a different set of brushes for different techniques.
Image credit: http://www.trueart.info/western_brushes.htm
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