If you are interested in #linux distros, this is the community to join.

If you are interested in #linux distros, this is the community to join.

H/T Lisa Miller Don Crowder


  1. I’m a smart person…. I just do stupid things.

  2. Pooja Srinivas Im interested in learning more about #linux  distros, would you recommend i try the community? If so do i just link to #linux  in my posts like we do on #twitter ?

  3. Yes please. Once you join, you can post questions within the community. Don Crowder is our super helpful expert :-)

  4. Pooja is very generous to bill me as an "expert" but I may have trouble living up to that.  I've been a full-time Linux desktop user since 2006 and have installed numerous distros on a large assortment of hardware.  I have my own preferences but don't feel they should apply to anyone but me, meaning I've no trouble keeping an open mind about what's best for other folks, and when I can't answer a question, there's a good chance I know someone else who can help with the answer.  Christopher Stapleton Such expertise as I possess is at your disposal.  :)

  5. Don Crowder, having played around with various distros on various hardware over 6 years definitely qualifies you as an expert.


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