Hilarious review!

Hilarious review! 

via Ranganayaki Srinivas 

Originally shared by Karthik Nagaraj

Awesome video - very informative. Looks like Microsoft went from one bad OS to an even worse OS with Win8.

Windows 8: The Animated Evaluation


  1. Funny animation. But I think it's a bit exaggerated, it's not that bad. I bought a new laptop for my wife two weeks ago with windows 8. It took me about half an hour to figure things out. In fact it was the same with windows 7. It takes some time to get used, but then it feels OK. But my wife still needs my help sometimes with it. So I guess there are some real issues.

  2. I hate to say this, but I must. The video was well made and funny, but a little jaundiced in my opinion.


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